e i g h t

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Y/n Seo
this doesn't seem safe. i like it


Going to school was the only thing on your schedule. It became a continuous cycle of studying, taking an hour break, and getting back to studying. And you don't have to mention after-school activities.

It was time for you to take a break, opting to refresh in the ladies' room instead of just sitting in your seat staring into space.

The school restrooms weren't luxurious...of course not. They were more run down than they were supposed to be. Damn school with no budget...

The most tolerable restroom was slightly further away. You remembered it being quite close to Gauel's classroom.

Oh well, if it meant you wouldn't have to worry about safety hazards and cleaniness, then you'd joyfully take that long journey.

You stretched your arms up high, walking out of the washroom as you made your way back to your own class. Maybe this small trip to the bathroom across the school was worth it.

The toilet was comfortable, the atmosphere felt clean, birds cheerfully chirping about, Hobin and Snapper were there—


Hobin and Snapper? What the hell were they doing in...Gauel's classroom? You halted your steps, both confused and shocked by the two's appearance.

"Do you have 500 won?" Asked Hobin. Was he trying to imitate Taehoon Seong?

And...was that Snapper on the ground?! The more you watched, the more confused you got.

"Here," said the boy you have yet to recognise, as his friends...you assumed, laughed along as they mocked the physically smaller boy.

"Haha, does he think he's Taehoon Seong?"

"It's only scary when Teahoon Seong syas it, haha."

"I'm seriously cringing for you, haha."

You bothered not to make your presence known and instead watched from behind, hidden. And in that moment, you had recognised immediately each and every one of their faces.

Anyone who thinks that the person with the most influence in the school was Snapper, they were oh so very wrong.

"That's cute. That's all f!cking cute, haha." Said the teen... you think, as he raised his hands up, immediately bringing them down for a tight slap on Hobin’s face.

Because in truth, the real person with so much influence and power...weren't the prefects, nor the teachers.

"You should get a new jacket...that one's hideous," You swiftly made your way in front of Hobin, as if you were about to take the hit for him.

But of course, that was never your plan... because why would you do that to yourself?

"Ah, you lot must be the ones bullying Gauel...am I right? You must be..." You turned your head, looking at each and every one of them as you robotically said the full names and class.

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