Stages of Greif (Lubaya)

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Lusaka was devastated. Dead! Her beloved father was dead! How? All of these thoughts raced through her mind as she fled to the safety of the trees. Or were they safe?
She had heard some of the lions whispering about him being killed by a human. Now this didn't surprise her because many of the lions and lionesses had already been killed be the horrible beasts.
All the lions do to them is break into their fields and eat a few of their cattle when they feel like having fast food.
Most of the time it seemed like the humans killed them for fun rather then revenge. It was horrible! So, Lusaka was all thebmore devastated when she found out her father had died to the hands of the humans.
The were going to pay for this. The next human she saw would wish they had never crossed paths. She was going to avenge her father.

When I'm excited I tend to make more spelling and grammar mistakes and apparently I was slap happy writing this because it is getting harder to decide what some of these sentences mean. I'm trying to fix it up a bit, ut most of this is my sixth grade mind at its best.

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