Chapter 1: Prologue: Appearance of Chaos

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The USJ had been infiltrated. Villains could be found everywhere. The four in the center were apparently the leaders. The first was covered in hands, it was obvious that he was the highest ranking. The second was made of mist, not very powerful, but his teleportation quirk meant that he was vital. The third was a huge monster. It's skin was purple, it's brain was exposed. A bird beak with teeth made it look even more hideous.

The fourth villain just looked out of place to Katsuki Bakugou.

Bakugo had been through a lot since getting into UA. He had been chosen as All Mights successor. His power was explosive, and it was further enhanced by One For All. He had become a little softer ever since he caused a tragedy.

He still blamed himself for her death. If only he knew the full story...

The villains before him all looked so sinister, and then there was the fourth. Black hair peeked out from a dark green hoodie with rabbit ears on the hood. Hands were covered by white gloves. The villain wore black athletic pants that were skintight. Black combat boots and a black mask completed the look.

Their eyes were hollow. So sunken that they almost didn't exist. Only a hint of color peeked through the one eye, dark green. A blotchy scar covered the right side of their face, making the other eye a milky white. On the villain's hip was a katana. They currently stood in a ready form, as if preparing for something.

It was really odd. That villain looked like they were Katsuki's age. They were short too. Somebody like him surely couldn't be one of these higher up villains.

"He's here." The short villain said.

Bakugo didn't have time to process anything as the door to the USJ was blown off its hinges and he was suddenly near the entrance again. All Might stood before him.

"There's no reason to fret anymore students," All Might growled. He wasn't smiling anymore. The expression of sheer rage on the number one hero's face made Katsuki quake in his costume. "Now that I Am Here!"

In a flash, the number one hero was gone. The minor villains that had recovered from Eraserheads previous assault were floored once more. The broken body of Eraserhead appeared at Katsuki's feet.

"Young Bakugo, find Iryu. She can heal him."

The symbol of peace had been healed by a student by the name of Iryu Takanawa. Her quirk allowed her to regenerate any wound by consuming air around her. She had literally grown the man a new stomach from thin air, and healed his grievous wounds with the touch of a hand.

Such a power could potentially save anybody from anything. It would definitely save Aizawa now.

Bakugo rushed the teacher to the USJ entrance, where he found Iryu. The girl began healing the decaffeinated teacher. Bakugo turned around to watch the fight.

It seemed like the villains plan was to use the purple monster to kill All Might by exploiting his weak spot. It could work, if All Might still had a weak spot. The healing had returned him to his full strength. It was made clear when he blasted the beast out of the building with a volley of punches. The blonde man turned to face the remaining villains, and brushed off his shoulder.

"We must go now sir." The mist man said. Bakugo rushed in to join his sensei, pinning the mist man to the ground in a split second.

"Shigaraki, you stand back. I will not let you fall today." The shorter villain said.

All Might rushed forward to punch the short villain at the same breakneck speed he always went. Yet his punch hit nothing but air as the villain just leaned back.

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