Chapter 61: The Easy Part

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It had been two weeks since Izuka and Overhaul began their alliance. In those two weeks, Izuka had spent a lot of time with Eri. She talked about the outside world. She told Eri about quirks. She learned about the quirk that Eri believed was a curse.

And she taught the girl.

Unknown to Overhaul, Izuka had been teaching Eri about her quirk. It had taken a while, but Eri finally complied. Izuka had helped her to learn a little control. She could activate and deactivate her quirk if she tried.

The radius of the quirk was restricted to her touch still. Izuka believed that she'd eventually be able to use it on things further away.

Midnight and Mina had begun their mental training. They would be done within the next few days.

Overhaul was plotting something even more confidential than his quirk erasing bullets. It was so secret, he wouldn't tell Izuka. She knew that whatever he had planned would be used against her.

Nevertheless. Izuka's own plan would soon come to fruition, and Overhaul would be six feet under.


Bakugo woke up to an alarm. It was eleven O'clock, midnight.

' They found it. '

The blonde leapt up out of his bed and donned his hero costume, before meeting his classmates in the hallways.

"You guys ready?"

Jiro inched out of her room in a purple sleeping bag. "We can't have five more minutes?"

Aizawa fell down the stairwell and rolled into the hallway, before standing up normally. "You didn't see anything. Come on Jiro."

"Ugh... fine."

The heroes in training met with the big three on the edge of campus.

"Well what are we waiting for? To the train station!"

Mirio chuckled at Kirishima's declaration. "We could, or we could use this handy gadget."

Mirio brought out a small cube.

"Is that-?"

"A teleportation device. It's linked to take us only to Nighteye's agency and back. So let's get going!"

After a few seconds, all of the heroes were assembled.

"After a thorough investigation, and the assistance of other pro heroes, we have successfully located the main compound of the Eight Precepts of Death." Nighteye said. "We make our move tonight. Keep on your toes. We have reviewed the quirks of the Shie Hassaikai. Don't let them get the better of you."



Izuka sat in Eri's room. They were to be left undisturbed for the next hour. Izuka had locked the door and covered up the security cameras like she always did, before pulling out an apple and handing it to Eri.


Eri looked at her, before taking a bite of the apple. When she was done, she looked at Izuka curiously.

"Well? What do you think?"

"It's good. But what do we do now?"

Izuka tapped the tip of Eri's horn. " We don't do anything. You use your power."

Eri blinked at Izuka with her brilliant ruby red eyes. "Will it work?"

Izuka smiled. "Up until now, we've focused on making things disappear. Try making it go back to how it was, before you ate it."

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