Chapter 36: Recorded Memories

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Toga sighed as she sunk into Izuka's lap. The scarred girl had fallen asleep on the couch. She was worried about Dabi, and well, she should be. The man couldn't walk around without his skin crackling like old paper.

Izuka sighed in contentment as the blonde settled. Her lips became graced with a tired smile. "You know... you have an internship to go to..."

"You do too. All UA students were given the day off because of what happened yesterday..."

"Really?" Izuka yawned. "All of them?"

Toga ran her fingers through Izuka's hair. "Well... almost all of them. It's all of the one's in Hosu."

"Hm? And you?"

"I chose Mirko remember?"

Izuka nodded. "Yeah."

A faint crackle was heard from the hallway. Izuka leapt up and threw open the door. "Dabi. What did I tell you?"

The villain pouted. "How the hell did you hear me? I just needed some water!"

Izuka pointed to Dabi's room. "I said stay in your room. It's that bad. I don't care if you've dealt with this before, you need to rest."

Dabi grumbled and shuffled back to his room. Izuka went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. "If you need anything, just ask okay?" The girl brought the water to the man and closed the door.

"Now that that's done." Izuka yawned. "Back to standing guard..."

Izuka sat back down on the couch. Toga snuggled up to her side. Izuka tried to stay awake to keep watch, but dozed off quickly.

Toga smiled gently at her girlfriend and kissed her cheek. "Sleep well babe..."


Bakugo flexed his hands as Gran Torino stood before him. Recovery Girl had healed him back to his full capacity. He and Gran Torino had relocated to UA for the time being. Until the end of the week, he'd be training with the retired hero, All Might, and Cementoss.

The first test was a number of cement obstacles set up by his teacher. Gran Torino instructed him on what quirks to use.

"Alright kid." The hero said, as Bakugo destroyed the final obstacle. "I want to talk to you about your energy output."

Bakugo walked over to the retired hero and All Might. "Young Bakugo... How much power have you been using?"

"I don't know... about five percent? Maybe?"

Gran Torino nodded. "That's good... have you tried anything past that?"

Bakugo shook his head. "That's what I've been trying to dial it down to since I got it. The sports festival was when I actually learned how to do it."

Gran Torino grumbled something about Toshinori being a bad teacher, before grinning at the blonde. "Well then... Now we're gonna test how much you can handle with that energy."

Bakugo looked at his hands, before nodding. "Got it."

The blonde returned to the center of the training area and took a deep breath. He took a deep breath in, and orange lightning erupted around him.

' Alright... now up the output... '

Bakugo took the floodgate that held back One For All and opened it bit by bit. The first few levels he barely felt. He eventually made it to the point where he felt he was safe. Any more, and he would injure himself.

Bakugo opened his eyes to see the storm of lightning around him crackling more and more. Gran Torino smiled.

"Whatcha at kid?"

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