Chapter 9: UA! A Different Kind of Crazy

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Katsuki and Kirishima sat together in Kirishima's room. The room had a very manly motif, yet there was a specific corner of the room that was different.


This was Bakugo's favorite thing about the redhead. He talked about manliness yet still kept a place mapped for a cuddle corner.

"So when do you think we'll hear from UA?" Kirishima asked.

"Should be pretty soon actually." Bakugo said. Just like that, his phone started to ring.

"Hello? Hey mom! They're here? FUCK YEAH!"

Bakugo pulled Kirishima to his feet. "I'll be back with my results."

The blonde kissed his boyfriend and sped out of the room. Kirishima waited a few seconds before bolting down to his kitchen, where the mail sat.



Jin ran into the vanguard building, mail in hand.

"Hey you two. I got two letters here from UA. Izuka has a box with hers."

Toga and Izuka walked out of their room. They looked... tired. Their hair was tousled, their clothes rumpled, and Toga was wearing-

"Is that a collar?"

Toga smiled at Jin. "Letters?"

The man gave the two half dead looking girls their mail, and watched as they shuffled back into their rooms.

Izuka kissed Toga as she sat down on the bedside.

"Ishuuu... We've got to read these letters..." Toga said grogilly.

"Yeah... I wuv you..." Izuka said tiredly, kissing the blonde.

"Come onnnn..."

"Uh uh! When you have the collar on, you lishen to meee... I want snuggle..."

Toga yawned. "Another minute won't hurt, or an hour..."

The two placed their letters on the bedside table, and curled up. Another hour, and they were up again.

"Huh. Who put these letters here?"

Izuka rolled off of the mattress and fell to the floor. "Nyeh... Are they for us?"

"Says UA." Toga smiled. "Addressed to 'us'"

Izuka leapt up and ran to the desk. "Who first?"

Toga smiled. "I'll go."

Toga opened up the envelope. A small machine fell out and booted up, projecting a video onto the wall. The blood hero: Vlad King stood at a podium.

"Greetings to you, Shinama Yuko. I am Vlad King, a homeroom teacher at UA. Let me start out by saying you are one of the most incredible examinees I have ever seen. You and your friend. Both of you managed to finish the written test in fifteen minutes, earning a perfect score. You also showed great combat prowess. Your friend has piqued the interest of another in the faculty, it is a shame that he called her first. However, it is my honor to accept you into class 1-b in the hero course."

Toga grinned.

"Welcome Shinama Yuko. This will be your Hero Academia."

Izuka began laughing. "YES! One of us is in! Now we just need the other and we'll have the best infiltration team ever!"

"I think you got in." Toga said. "Vlad King said that another teacher claimed you. Open up the letter!"

Izuka carefully opened the envelope, there was more than the projector disc inside. Izuka took out the projector disc first. The girl set the machine on the tabletop and tapped it. It then began its boot sequence.

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