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Wheein had seen some crazy things in his life, she liked to think that she wasn't easily surprised but when Yoongi told her they needed to go to Jimin's room because something important had surged, she never would've guessed what happened.

They entered the room and there were many people there, but one caught her attention immediately. She noticed he looked like Yoongi, but she was sure she had seen him before, although maybe it was her mind just confusing him with Yoongi.

Jimin introduced Wheein to the others and she and Yoongi sat on a bench next to the door holding hands. Wheein couldn't help but notice how Agust kept looking at her every few seconds.

"Ok, so... The situation is this'' Jimin started "Our prince Min Yoongi is going to be crowned as King in less than 5 months. Our actual King, his father has arranged his marriage with Princess Wheein'' he said bowing at the princess "but the thing is, they don't love each other, and they're friends, but Yoongi don't actually want to get married with her"

Yoongi looked at Wheein nervously, he didn't want her to feel bad about it but she smiled softly at him like saying 'it's ok'.

"Why?" Agust asked with a confused expression "I supposed, you two are to be married to bring your realms together. I'm sure you share the same values and you understand each other, right? And she's one of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" Wheein looked away from Agust who was staring at her intently "I don't understand why you wouldn't want to marry her''

Jimin turned to see Yoongi whose face was unreadable "well, the thing is..."

"is not of your business" Yoongi interrupted Jimin

"the thing is.. it's complicated" Jimin continued trying to ease the tension "On the other hand, we have you three, who are in need of a change in your lives. When I first met you, I could tell immediately that you cared about Jk and Hyejin, as an older brother. And when the shock of what happened was gone, I realized maybe you two, are the answer to the other's conflict" he said pointing at Yoongi and Agust with his inder fingers ''You look exactly the same" Agust got up, realizing what Jimin was implying "No" he just said walking towards the door "I'm not going to play this game". He opened the door and got out of the room before anyone could say anything. Jungkook walked towards the door wanting to go behind his hyung, but Yoongi got to the door first "let me handle it" he said, closing the door behind him.

The others stayed quiet for a few minutes. Wheein felt Hyejin's eyes on her and she was starting to feel uncomfortable "I love your dress" the younger said smiling "I'll die for a dress like that one" Wheein understood she was only impressed by all the ornaments she was wearing "It's actually not comfortable, I barely can breath" Wheein replied with a serious expression "Why are you wearing it, then?" "It's what princesses are supposed to wear, but I would die for a dress like yours. Simpler, it looks very comfortable" Hyejin smiled at her "It actually is".

Jimin was hearing the two ladies talk but he couldn't focus on their conversation "are you ok, hyung?" Jungkook was staring at Jimin with soft eyes and he nodded "I just want all of you to be happy, it's all I want" the younger smiled "I know. But you can't fix everyone's lives, you should focus on yours. I see the way you look at HyeJin-ah" Jk said whispering the last part "I would love to have you as my brother in law" he continued teasing Jimin "I don't know what you're talking about" Jimin replied, but he turned to see her and his heart skipped a beat.


"Hey you!! Wait!" Agust heard steps behind him and turned to see the prince running towards him "my name is Agust D, for your information" he replied when Yoongi got to him "Agust, can we talk before you go? Just let's go somewhere more private, I don't think it's a good idea if someone sees us together" Agust raised an eyebrow but then nodded once "right" Yoongi said when the other didn't reply verbally "follow me".

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