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"Are you sure you're not mad at me, hyung?" Jimin asked Yoongi for the tenth time. Yoongi rolled his eyes "Your grandma is sick Jimin, you have to go and see her" Jimin pouted but nodded "I know, but this is going to be huge for you and I'm not going to be here to lift you up if you're feeling down" Yoongi ruffled Jimin's hair "I promise I'm going to held my head up until you come back and you can held it for me" he said teasingly and Jimin laughed. All his bags were on the carriage and the driver was already waiting for Jimin "I should be going then" he said hugging Yoongi "I'll be back before you know it" he said with a wink "I'll be here" Yoongi replied waving his hand. Yoongi watched the carriage until it disappeared in the distance.

It was going to be a long month before Jimin was back, but Yoongi had to get used to not having Jimin by his side at all times.

The palace was a mess, there were people running around all over the place trying to make it even more beautiful. There was going to be a big party that weekend where princess Wheein and her father King Jung Se Joo were going to be the guests of honor. Princess Wheein was going to be there for a while, Yoongi's father said they needed to get to know each other as soon as possible, but Yoongi never thought it meant that weekend.

Yoongi sighed and walked towards the great hall where his father was waiting for him again, he bowed and waited for his father to speak "I want you to go to the city limits, son, and escort King SeJoo and princess Wheein until they get here" Yoongi nodded, it was tradition for the King in person to do the escort when another King arrived to the realm but Yoongi thought it would be better for him to do it so he could leave a good impression to the royal family. "I should take my personal escort and some other knights for extra protection. Also I would like to give them a welcoming fest, I'm sure they would be thankful for it after all those days traveling. And the food could give them some strength to continue their trip. I should wait for them at the Daesu River, so we are still going to travel for two nights before arriving" the King smiled at his son and nodded "I think that's a great idea Yoongi. I'm glad to see you're seeing this situation from another perspective than the last time we talked about it. I'm proud of you" the thing is, Yoongi was wrecked on the inside, he didn't know anything about princess Wheein and he didn't want to live his whole life as a lie, but he was going to be the King and he knew that the realm deserved a respectable King. "I said I would try. This is me trying" Yoongi replied "I'll go to get everything ready so we can part with the first light in the morning. We have to be by the river before they arrive" he continued before bowing to his father. The king smiled at him while Yoongi walked out of the great hallway.

Early in the morning Yoongi got on his horse and with thirty servants and so many more knights he rode to the Daesu River.

The trip was actually pleasant for him, Yoongi loved his horse and loved to travel. He knew his realm was peaceful and every time the people of the realm saw him they bowed and gave him gifts. The knights were rough and didn't want anyone to get close to Yoongi but everytime he scolded them "they're my people" he said "they're not going to hurt me" then Yoongi gave them his hand and accepted their gifts. "You'll be a great King" an old lady told him "you're thoughtful and kind" she said "you're going to be a great father someday".

That statement made Yoongi gulp, he knew it was part of why he had to marry a woman, he needed to have a son in order to pass the legacy of the Mins. But the thought of being with a woman in that way made him uncomfortable. It was going to be tougher than he thought.

After two days they were on the River and he made his servants put on the tents and start preparing the food. He knew the King and the princess would be there somewhere after noon and everything needed to be ready by then.

The sun was still high in the sky when three knights got there "King Se Joo will be here in half an hour" they announced. Yoongi ordered his knights to be ready and went to inspectionate the food and tents, it was all ready for their arrival.

After some minutes Yoongi could see the King's caravan arriving. Yoongi's people were all wearing black and gold, the realm official colors but King Se Joo's caravan was more colorful, red, black, white and yellow. Too many colors for Yoongi's liking.

He stood up in front of his knights, who were perfectly aligned, and got on his knee bowing when the carriage door opened. He couldn't see them getting out of it but he heard steps getting closer to him until he saw a pair of shoes "Prince Yoongi" the King said "please stand up" Yoongi did as he was asked and he smiled to the King "Welcome, King Se Joo. It's a pleasure to finally meet you" the King was tall and big, he seemed strong and neat. He had a long beard and his eyes were long and sweet. "The pleasure is all mine" he replied giving a handshake to Yoongi, a firm one "thank you for receiving us in your lovely realm" Yoongi smiled and then the King took a step to the side revealing a young lady behind him. She was smiling at Yoongi warmly and then she bowed "My prince" she said. She was beautiful, Yoongi could see her dimples when she smiled and her pale skin contrasted with the dark colors of her hanbok and her lips "Princess" Yoongi said bowing as well. Everything Yoongi had heard from her was her unusual and strong beauty so he thought it was ideal to compliment her "teals don't make justice to your beauty, you're so much beautiful than what they say" he told her, a light blush could be seen in her cheeks "We prepared something for you" Yoongi said signaling to his back "I figured you would be tired so there's enough food for you and all your companionships, and we have plenty space for you to rest this night as well" the King smiled and nodded "this is much appreciated, we will eat and rest well" he said. 

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