Chapter three - First Fights

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*Cher's P.O.V

I sat on the wall of the school by the field. As I watched some jock just run around playing with a football. I flipped through the pages in my book. "Hey there stranger!" I turned to see that it came from my friend Aaron. I smiled and moved a little so he could sit down also. "How you been?" he asked looking out at the field. "Fine.I guess, you?" I said flipping through my book once again " alright, dad finally finished moving out and moms smiling again" he chuckled to himself. "So why haven't you been in therapy all week?" he asked out of the blue. I dropped my pencil in my book and looked at him my eyebrows raised as he.pretended to look interested in the friendly game of football the jock were playing. "Why would you even ask that ? Hoe do you know I haven't been?" I asked willing him to look me in the face " cause I know you Cher!" he answered starring at me "I known you almost my whole life Aaron. I can tell when you are lying." I said in a.stern voice. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair "Mrs. Prince sent me to find out. She till me when I dawned her earlier" he confessed. " are you serious right now Aaron! Your suppose to be my friend!" I was outraged. I stood up holding my books in my hand " Cher wait! I'm sorry.... I just uabt the best for you" he said standing in front if me. "then be a good friend" I answered walking off.

At lunch, I saw Mystery sitting at out usual table and no Aaron so I went and sat next to her with my lunch on a tray. "hey chick! Why do you look stress" she said taking a bite from her fresh salad. "Aaron!" was all she let me say "what did that idiot do this time ? I'm gonna kill his black ass when I see him...." she yelled "mystery please calm down" I chuckled at her hilarious behavior. I waited till she was calm to continue "he came telling me to go therapy. Like Mrs. Prince sent him to industry me and he went against me." I shrieked my hands moving all over the place as I exaggerated my point. I looked at Mystery's blank expression "what is it?" I asked wearily. She started laughing hysterically in my ears "mystery stop! My ear" I screamed as everyone's attention slowly moved to us. "sorry sorry" she puffed out tired from laughing. "What's so funny anyway?" I asked looking at her dead in theeye " that's what you were gonna let me kill someone for? I swear he hit you or something serious" she laughed going back to eat her salad. Why don't they understand " your not getting it! It is serious!" I exaggerated as I stood and left through table "Cher. I'm sorry!" I heard her call out behind me.
I was frustrated and there was only onward thing that helped me when I was frustrated. I sneaked over to the abandon part of the building where I came to see Mark, that new kid Ishmal and Maliek's cousin Kaleb. "hey Cher" Mark smiled at e as I sat on the desk next to him. "hey Mark! Ishmal! Kaleb!" I said nodding to each of them as I said their name. "what'd you want?" Ishmal asked getting straight to the point as usual. Ishmal and I had a sex with benefits sort of relationship, he moved here last month and new nothing of what happened five years ago bad it was goose having someone not pity me. " I only come here fir two things" I said plainly licking my lips. "well, meet me at my car after school?" Ishmal asked passing the joint in his to Kaleb who took a pull. "Yeah!" I said hopping off the desk and taking the blunt from Ishmal before he could take another pull. I placed the joint between my top and bottom.lip and inhaled deeply. I blew out the puff of smoke handing the joint to.Mark. "see you latr" I smiled at Ishmal and he kissed my lips softly before I left. The others went through therapy. But I guess when I had sex or got high all my problems melted away. And I guess that's how I really sealed withholding my problems, with what happened to me. Us!

*Officer's Jacobs P.O.V

I knocked on the door of the familiar house. It opened almost immediately and was greeted by Wendy. " officer Jacobs" she smiled and moved aside so that I may enter the house. "how may I help?" Shd asked as we made our wary into the kitchen. I sat on a stool as she paid close attention to her pot on the stove. "well I waited to speak to Mr. And Mrs. Gomez but I realise that is not possible" I said to her and she nodded " well is it anything I can help you with?" she asked kindly "well I heard Layla was back...." the closing of the front door cut me off. "Wendy! I'm home" Layla said as she walked into the kitchen. She stopped a smile playing on germ lips as she saw me. "Matthew " Shd smiled walking uo to e and hugging me I held ibm o germ tightly. " little sister" I answered a chuckle escaping my lips. " what arrived you doing here?" she asked sitting in front if me " well I waited to visit my llittle sister and see what's he doing. Heard you were back." I smiled back at her.

We weren't blood related but her mom and dad adopted me when they went to New York 16 years ago. We mighten be blood but she will always be my sister and I hated my self for bot being able to protect her 5 yeArs ago.
"its fine! Im fine" she whispered for only me to hear, as if reading my mind. I smiled at her. She smiled back resting her hand in my face. I held it and turned my face into herhand, noticing the freshly made cuts. I looked back at her "Layla" I whispered. She shook her head, got up and ran upstairs to her room. " what happened?" Wendy asked as she turned and looked at me. " I'll go see" I answered walking upstairs to hee room. I knocked on the door "Layla!" I said softly but she didn't answer. I opened the door and walked in. She sat on she bed facing me. I closed the door behind me. " Layla! You okay?" I asked as I moved to sit next to her. She looked up at me and I immediately hugged her as I saw the tears in her eyes. "please don't tell mom and dad! They'll send me back, I don't wanna go back! But if I don't I can't sleep. If I don't I stay up a night" she sobbed in my arms. "I won't tell Layla. Just promise me you would try next time. Call me if entourage feel like cutting" I said holding her tightly. "I promise" she whispered " thanks you" she said in my arms.
"I promise I won't let you down again." I whispered kissing her forehead.

*Maliek's P.O.V

I was in the gym warming up because I knew I had a match in an hour against that Jackson kid and I had make sure and win. Was an easy win but I believed in hard work not luck.

"yo Maliek, your fights starting!" Jacob said and I nodded following him. " you got this!" he said shaking my shoulders. "I know" I replied shaking my head.

After the easy win, I wondered around the after party we had at the Arena everytime I won. I walked with Mark and Kaleb at my side. Eli and his friend Ricardo came and we stood in front of us. " Good fight Maliek" Eli said looking at me. I nodded in respect and we parted ways. We had a mutal respect for eachother, he was a fighter and I was a fighter. We were equally the best.

I saw Layla walking a little way from us with that Miracle girl beside her. What is she doing here?
I walked up to them and Miracle smiled and Layla bent her head. " great fight Maliek" Miracle said with a snarl in her face, guessing she doesn't like me much.
"yeah thanks. Hey Layla" I answered looking her way.
"hey. Didn't know you fought" Layla replied looking behind me. I turned to see that jimmy fella standing leaving against the door smiling at her. It got me angry, I clenched my fist and bit my lip. "so...." I started but she cut me off " see you at school on Monday." she said smiling and walking off towards Jimmy. "wow! Isn't that cold" miracle laughed and walked off the there way. 'maybe she did hate me' I taught as Kevin, Mark and I walked off to the bar.

*Layla's P.O.V

I walked off standing in front of that guy Miracle said was named Jimmy. he smiled at me as I stood in front of him. 'hello there" he said in a deep voice. "hi" I smiled and looked down at my feet. I felt his hand under my chin as he tilt my head upwards to look at him. " I'm jimmy. what's your name?" he said looking into my eyes "Layla" I blushed as he licked his lips.

I sat down next to Jimmy on the couch of this house party he persuaded me to go to. "so you having fun?" he asked and heresy his heavy yet gently hand object my thigh. I forced a smile and try to keep the memories of that creep touching me out of my head. I stood up as the tears threatens to run from my eyes. I felt his hand grab me "I can't!" I whispered and ran away. Up the stairs and into a bedroom and locking the door. I turned as I saw someone come off of the bed. I was ready to run when I noticed it was Just Jobe.

"Layla?" he asked he walked closer to me. "Jobe" I answered watching as he mentally flinched.
"no one calls ne that anymore" he answered in a monotone. " well I do" I smiled and he chuckled a little. We moved nd sat n the bed. " what's wrong?" he asked out of book where " nnothing" I answered. " your lying. I can read people really easily." he smirked. " I just wanted get away." I smiled.
" but weren't you away for five year. Wasn't that enough?" he asked "what was that about though?" he continued. But yet I felt safe with him. "mental hospital. I guess it really had a bad effect on me!"I answered "we all went though a rough patch with that. But why did you need 5 years of therapy ?" he questioned again. I tried to stop myself from crying. But he noticed and held my face in his hands examining me. "what are you hiding" he asked looking back into my eyes. " I was raped!" I said the tears flowing down my face. His eyes opened in shock "the younger one raped me about 4 times!" I continued. I bent my head and I felt is hands move around me. "oh my gosh Layla. How is it that I never heard that." he said starring down at me as I lay in his arms as we lay in the bed. " I never till anyone. You're the only one that knows." I sobbed "they sent me to he mental hospital because I was suicidal" I laughed and hels me closer. I closed my eyes

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