Chapter 9

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Dekus POV:

The ride to the mini golf place was full of bad jokes, laughter, and loud obnoxious singing. When we got there we each paid for our own stuff and set out. We all decided that we would pair up with someone and have our own game so we can move at our own pace. Kirishima and bakugou were the first to go and once they were to the third one the next team went wich was me and sero. Then everyone else went. I wasn't sure when they started because I was too busy beating seros ass.

We soon caught up to bakugou and kirishima, they were terrible at the game. I laughed the whole time and eventually they let us go ahead and do it. (I'm not sure how mini golf works so I'm trying my best sorry)

Me and sero were first to finish with me winning, obviously. Then bakugou and kirishima came next. We all just sat there and talked while waiting for Todoroki and Iida to finish. "Hey guys sorry about that, I accidentally hit a duck." Todoroki said walking up to us with Iida not far behind. "WHAT!? HOW DO YOU MANGAE TO HIT A DUCK!?" Bakugou yelled. "Honestly I don't know." Todoroki responded shrugging. "This is why we never take you to the zoo" I responded shaking my head. If your confused I'll fill you in. A couple months ago, me Todoroki and Kachaan all went to the zoo together. While we were there he managed to get into the enclosures of different animals and would just sit there and pet them like it was nothing and then he hit a duck with a golf cart one time when we're just riding around in it it. We think he hits the ducks on purpose though because he's hit so many ducks. It's whatever though.

We went back to the party bus and decide that we should go get something to eat. "Let's go to McDonald's!!" Kirishima shouted. "Ew no way, let's go to a cafe or something" Bakugou said.  "I honestly don't care we're we go let's just get something to eat!!!" I groaned.

We ended up at a Chinese restaurant, because one person didn't one this and then another person didn't want this, so we eventually decided to put out own ideas into a hat and then drew from them, and Chinese was the one chosen. We had a few complaints but here we are now sitting at a table me next to Sero, and bakugou next to kirishima, and obviously Todoroki next to Iida. It was really good food. (I just realized this but I think in like the first chapter they went and had
Chinese food-😃)

After we finished eating we decide to go ahead and go back to the dorms since it was getting pretty late. "Alright we'll imma go to my room, because I'm telling you this now if I don't get away from your dumb asses imma hit you" I said walking into the building. "Uh rude~, I didn't do anything!!" Sero said crossing his arms. "We'll, sorry Sero you are right, you didn't do anything it was Kachaan and shoto fighting THE WHOLE WAY HERE OVER A STUPID FUCKING SONGGGG!!!" I yelled pointing at the two. "Oh shut up your just jealous you couldn't join into the argument" Kachaan said rolling his eyes. I flipped him off and walked upstairs.

Seros POV:

When we got back to the dorms and Midoriya went up to his room, I was a little upset because I really wanted to go back to my room with him and watch a movie or something. I told the rest goodnight and decided to just go to bed.

When I got up to my room I was supposed to see, you guessed it, Midoriya sitting outside. "Uh- what are you doing?" I asked. Midoriya looked up from his phone a light blush on his cheeks. "W-well I was, uh wild you want to hang out for a little bit, like uh just me and you?.. I mean you don't have too if you don't want to, I mean I understand if you don't want we were out almost all day, and I uh kind of just walked off down there, and your probably tired I- I just tough that maybe we could hang out- uh you know what never mind this was probably a bad idea asking- uh I'm sorry-" he rushed out and started walking away his face a dark red. "WAIT- I mean uh ya we can hangout. If you still want to. I was actually planning on aksing you downstairs if you wanted to come back to my room and watch a movie or something, but uh you said you were going to your room so uh ya" I said nervously rubbing the back of my neck. He perked up at that. "O-oh really.? Uh sorry about that also. But ya we can watch a movie in your room I guess if you still want too" he laughed nervously at the end. I just smiled and nodded opening my door and stepping aside so he can go in. "Thank you!" Midoriya said smiling walking in. I just nodded and walked in after him shitting my door. "So what movie do you wanna watch?" I asked taking my shoes off. "Oh uh I don't really care" he said sitting down on my bed. "Alright well you can look through the movies while I go change into something more comfortable. Uh would you want something more comfortable to wear? I can see if I can find something for you" I asked. "Oh ya sure that would be nice" I nodded and went to go look through my closet. I ended up putting on a park of black sweatpants and a yellow shirt. I looked through my closet a little more and ended up picking out a hoodie and, some shorts for Midoriya.

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