Chaoter 10

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3rd POV:

Then next day when Midoriya walked into class, he felt eyes in him. He looked up curious as to what the feeling was and immediately made eye contact with the one and the only Sero.

He blushed and looked away, then walked over to his desk. He was to busy getting his stuff out for class and checking over his homework making sure there were no mistakes and it was all done, when hands slammed on his desk, making him scream and the rest of the class go quiet and look over at them.

"Ahaha  I uhm sorry.. I got scared" Midoriya said rubbing th back of his head nervously. Everyone looked at home for a couple more seconds before turning back to their previous conversation. Midoriya let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and looked up glaring at the two people trying to hold back laughter. "What is wrong with you guys!?" Midoriya whisper yelled.

"A lot, but that's not what we are here for" Todoroki said pulling a chair from a nearby desk and sitting down in front  of Midoriya's desk. "Ok then what are you here for?" Midoriya asked. "Let's all go on a double date thingy." Todoroki said.  "Ok- wait what?" Midoriya said. "No way I'll be alone!" Sigh "you dumb bitch! Your bringing Sero!! Didn't guys you know like just last night!?" Bakugou whisper yelled. "Well ya but we ar t dating!" Midoriya whispers back. " whatever your still going weather you like it or not because we I asked Sero already and he said yea so... yeah loser" Bakugou said back. "Oh my god. I hate you guys so much" Midoriya whispered holding his head in his hands. "No you don't. Don't even try to say that." Todoroki said. Midoriya looked up and glared at him . "God I hate that your right!" Bakugou and Todoroki just laughed.

They talked about random things until Aizawa got in. "Ok everyone go to your seats" once everyone one was seated Aizawa got started in the lesson.

After morning classes bakugou Todoroki and Midoriya all went up to the roof to eat lunch like they normally did. Only that when they got up there Iida, kirishima, and AND!! Sero were up there waiting for them.

See Midoriya didn't have a problem with them being up there it's just he didn't know how to talk to Sero after last night. Yea he enjoyed and would do it again in a heart beat. It's just he is still all flustered about it. He doesn't know what to talk about.

"Heyyyyyyyy!!!" Kirishima said as he saw them walk through the doors. "Shut up why are you so loud!?" Bakugou yelled. "Uh- I know your not talking blastula boy" Todoroki said walking over to Iida and giving him a kiss. "What the fuck did you just say icy- thot!? I'm not loud!??" Bakugou yelled. "Owie my earssssss!!!" Midoyia yelled snaking Bakugou on the back of the head. "Shut the fuck up!! You are like the loudest one here!!!" Midoriya yelled back at Bakugou. "I am not you idiot!! And stop hiring me you damn nerd!" Bakugou yelled Turing back towards midoyia. They started healing back and forth until Sero and kirishima had enough of it. They both walked over to their patterns and picked them up walking away from each toner while the two were still healing and trying to get out of the others hold.

Now you may be wondering why Todoroki and Iida didn't do anything. Well that's simply because they are used to this. Almost everywhere they go they start a fight. They just tune them out and go in with their business.

Once Sero had Izuku far away from Bakugou and kirishima he put him down and grabbed his waist pulling him towards his chest. " who knew you could tell and fight forever geez" Sero said resting his chin on Izuku head. "Humph and who knew... who knew.... Never mind" midoyia said. Sero chuckled at this. "Ok do you any to eat now? I'm like starving" Izuku perked up at this. "Do I want to eat!? Of course I do is that even a fucking question?" Midoyia said pulling away from Sero and sitting down. Sero just shook his head and sat down next to Izuku.
Sorry it's been a long time since I posted!! School just started back up for me and let me tell you it's literal hell. I know in my last post I said I was going to be posting weekly well... I lied.. I'm sorry ok?! I kind of forgot about school. Anywyasssss sorry it's so short I hope your liking it so far though if not I'm sorry lmao!! Ok I hope you have an amazing day/ morning/ afternoon/ night idk. Thanks for all your support!!

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