chpt 11

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This chapter is a long one!

You wake up groaning. You were laying on the couch and Bakugos face was snuggled into your neck, his hands snaked around your waist, and your legs intertwined. He was so warm and so calm. I have no objection towards this.

On regular days, after waking up you'd lay in bed staring and thinking for about fifteen minutes before actually getting up, today was no different. You enjoyed and savored this moment, his prickly hair smelled like lavender and you felt safe and protected. Nobody was in the commons room yet, and you had prayed nobody would come in for at least until Bakugo had awaken.

Slowly your hands went through his hair, massaging his head. After about five minutes of this you felt Bakugo move in his sleep.

In a calm and quiet voice, "Goodmorning" this had shocked you. Bakugo said goodmorning before doing anything else. "Morning" you say back. "If it's okay, can we stay like this a bit longer" at this point Bakugo must've gone crazy or something because this is not like him at all.

"I don't mind" is all you could respond with.

You two snuggled for what felt like ten seconds, but was really twenty more minutes. "We should really get up now, the sun is starting to rise" you say.

Bakugo hums back and slowly gets up, his face inches above yours, he stops and looks at you for a second, and then fully gets off the couch. You following after.

At this point your heart was threatening to beat out of your chest and fall and the floor. "What should we eat" you try to break the silence. "Come" Bakugo walks into the kitchen.

You watch as he gets out a bunch of ingredients and sets them on the counter. He eyeballs the ingredients into a bowl. "Mix these while I get the rest ready" he hands you the bowl and a whisker. You couldn't help but think...we're kind of acting like a married couple.

You hear something drop to the floor. "M-married couple?!" Bakugo blushes hard. "I-I was kiddingg haha it was just a funny joke" you try to cover up for thinking out loud. "Yeah, yeah you're right it was a funny joke" he picks up what he dropped and looks away trying to continue what he was doing before.

After a while the meal was finally ready, he had made us both French toast. We both take a plate and some juice, and sit next to each other on the couch.

"I don't think we even finished the movie last night" He says. "Should we turn it back on from where we left it?" You say. He thinks and considers for a moment. "Good idea" he outs as he grabs the remote and leans back into the couch, putting the movie and the right time and eating in peace.

So many things have happened in the last twelve hours. We watched a movie, fell asleep cuddling, woke up cuddling with none of us protesting out of it, made breakfast together, and are now eating together watching the movie from the night prior. What a day.

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