chpt 1

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»»--⍟--««just a note: (i am attempting to revamp/rewrite this story for a better read, espesh the first few chapters, so if the comments don't match the text, ignore it please! enjoy the story folks, ily all and tysm<3)

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just a note: (i am attempting to revamp/rewrite this story for a better read, espesh the first few chapters, so if the comments don't match the text, ignore it please! enjoy the story folks, ily all and tysm<3)

ALSO, my other book is so so much better than this pls 😭


ˋˏ✄┈NO NEED TO PANIC, everything is completely fine.

That was a complete and utter lie. Everything is not fine.

You wipe the cool sweat off your forehead.

No, you're not sick.

You were extremely nervous. As most teens would be in a situation such as this. We are all familiar with the nervous excitement that we feel the night before our first day of school. The going to bed early, not being able to fall asleep until hours later, yadayadayada.

But this was just a bit different.

Not only were you going to start your first year of high school tomorrow, you were attending the most prestigious hero school in all of Japan.

No biggie.


Very biggie.

Law of attraction; positive thoughts bring positive effects, negative thoughts being negative effects.

Tomorrow is going to go well.
Tomorrow is going to go fine.
Tomorrow is going to go great.

Deep breath, deep breath.

"Gnnnhgh fuck this" you groan, getting out of your perfectly made bed. It was 2 in the goddamn morning, no signs of getting sleep were seeming to show up, might as well grab a snack.

You sneak downstairs, grabbing a bottle of water and some chips, and spend the rest of the night trying to fall asleep.

Eventually, you knocked out.

Finally, some slee-


of course, just when you were about to get some long-awaited rest. your alarm clock goes off. at least the sound wasn't unpleasant.

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