chpt 14, end

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🤍Bakugo had definitely been in some sort of on-and-off mood that day

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Bakugo had definitely been in some sort of on-and-off mood that day. He went from distant to normal to distant again, and you could not find a single clue as to why. It was a gamble on whether he'd be acting normal and kind or cold and angry.

You had still remembered how he wanted to meet with you after school, you couldn't possibly forget it, even if you tried. Every minute you'd think back to that moment and try to guess what he was going to say, you just wanted your normal Bakugo back, without all the confusion and bipolar-ness.

Finally, for what had seemed like an eternity, school had ended, and you were jumping in suspense as to what Bakugo would say. You turn over to Bakugo who was sitting right beside your seat.

"Go back to the dorms, I'll meet you there so we can talk in private" He orders, still sitting in his seat, rubbing his eyebrows in frustration, seemingly having a lot on his mind.

You nod and decide to walk back to the dorms alone. Bakugo would catch up with you in a bit. He said he had to grab some things from the store first.

You sat outside the dorms on the stairs, phone in your hand, trying to pass time as you wait for Bakugo, until you get a text from him.

"I know I'm taking a long time, but just trust me. I'm omw back to the dorms. See you in a minute."

You text him back and shut off your phone waiting for Bakugo.

Within minutes he arrives empty handed. "I thought you were going to the store?" You ask, referring to his lack of items.

"I did, come with me" He takes your hand gently into his and begins to walk you. During the walk, he contemplates asking this, running a hand through his hair in frustration, but decides to anyways. "Before I say anything, I saw your phone today...who's the 'cute guy from training'?" He asks, face showing slight sadness, before toughening up.

You let out an "Ohhhh that" and giggle a bit. "That was a friend I had made today, I gave him my number so we could train, and he put his nickname as that, I don't have feelings for him, but it was too funny to change, why?" You look over at him suspiciously.

He grips your hand slightly for a second. "You should train with me instead" He gulps, looking away. "I'd love to" You respond, as he continues dragging you to a certain destination. He nods.

After a while your hands separated, you could feel an empty and cold feeling on your hands, and you had followed him to a small, empty park.

He walks over to a park bench and grabs a brown bag from below it, that he had put there earlier so nobody would find and steal it.

He then walks over to the swings, plops down on one and places the bag next to him on the floor. You sit down next to him.

You sit in silence with him, waiting for him to speak up.

He sighs loudly, putting his face in the palm of his hands, then back on the swing chains.

"Y/N," He builds up the courage to look at you.

"This is gonna sound corny as shit" He looks at the ground, cheeks flushing, then facing you again.

He reaches into the bag and pulls out a bouquet of deep red roses and hands them to you, to which you take happily, feeling a smile wash over your face, that you could not, and would not ever try to hide.

"I seriously, really, genuinely, undoubtedly, certainly, have a massive crush on you" By now his face was extremely red, the ends of his mouth shaking ever so slightly. His hands fidgeting with each other. He waits for a response, for what feels like forever. He turns his head down, slightly losing confidence at every millisecond that passes.

He abruptly turned to face you again, "Well are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna sa-"

He was cut off by a sudden, "I seriously really genuinely undoubtedly certainly have a massive crush on you too!" You shut your eyes and clench the flowers, acting impulsively without thinking of the responses you could give.

After a few seconds you both look at each other.

"Can I...kiss you" He rubs the back of his neck, slightly turning away.

He turns back and felt a sudden warmth on his lips. It was long and sweet, filled with such intimacy and tenderness. There was nothing more to it than an expression of genuine love and happiness. You lean your swing closer to him and wrap your arms around his body, to which he gives the same energy back, placing his arms above your hip pulling you closer.

You pull back for a moment to catch your breath, arms still wrapped around each other.

"Can I kiss you again" He asks for a second time, between breaths, looking directly at you, feeling more confident than the first time.

"You can kiss me anytime" You smile, leaning in again for another taste.

This time it was a little shorter, but just as sweet and loving. By now the sun was setting just beautifully, and your hand was locked with his, just slowly and softly rocking back and fourth in the swings, enjoying the presence of one another.

"Let's head back now, before it gets dark" You smile to him, you both get up and you take your flowers in one hand and in your other, the hand of your lover.

"You're my girlfriend now, right" He asks, more so states, his sentence not having a tone of questioning.

"As you are my boyfriend" You respond.

He squeezes your hand and kisses your cheek. You smile at each other and continue to walk hand in hand back to the dorms.

best day ever.

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