chpt 13

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The next morning I showered, changed, and got ready for school per-usual. Heading to class I sat down in my seat, not talking to anybody. I needed a day just to relax and recharge. Bakugo hadn't tried to talk either, it seemed he got the message that I was tired.

Halfway through the period Aizawa looks at the class asking, "Does anyone want to volunteer to take this paper to a certain student?" Since it seemed nobody other than Iida rose his hand, I flailed my arm in the air too, it was obvious Aizawa was looking to see if another student than Iida would participate.

"Y/N! Great, take this to Shinsou, he's in the PE grounds, he's the boy with the purple hair" Aizawa explains.

"Will do" I nod.

I walk around the school to the direction of the PE grounds, looking around before I spot the student.

"Hi! I'm Y/N, I was sent by Aizawa to hand you this" I hand him the paper. "You're Shinsou, right? Nice to meet you, I hope we can be friends" I smile, putting out my hand, to which he gladly takes.

"So, what's the paper for? And what are you doing out here?" I ask curiously, kicking random rocks on the floor.

"This is my training program he made for me, he helps me develop my quirk and my combat abilities" He says monotony. "Nice! What's your quirk?" I ask. "Mind control." He looks away, his back facing me now.

"That's sick!" I smile. "Sick? I've heard that many times before" He turns back around, his face changes to see me smiling. "No no no, I meant sick in a cool way, not sick in a 'that's messed up' way!" I wave my arms in front of me.

"You think... it's cool?" He raises an eyebrow, confusion painted over his features.

"I think it's amazing! You have so much power with that quirk" I explain. "My quirk is webs, it's not as good, but it's alright, it's pretty good for defense and offense I suppose, but I mostly use it for mobility and stuff, with yours you can literally do anything! That's some incredible power if I'm being honest" I look to the sky, then to him.

"Well uh, thanks. I didn't expect you to react that way, I was not too optimistic" He rubs the back of his neck.

"We can train together! I need to figure out how to use my quirk more, and I'm yet to find a training buddy" I propose. "That doesn't seem like a bad idea, how can I contact you?" He asks. I pull out my phone and take out my messages app. "Put in your number" I hand him my phone. He gladly takes it, and I think he puts in a nickname, then gives it back after, a smirk on his face.

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