chpt 4

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ˋˏ✄┈BAKUGO LOOKED through his phone, trying to find something to take him out of his boredom. He had so much free time after doing all of his homework and cleaning. Going through his contacts, he found a number with no name saved. Clicking on it, he immediately recognized who it was by the texts he sent.

He quickly went to go and change the name.

"spidey chick" he mumbled faintly as he typed it out.

Satisfied with his work, he decided to text the girl.

sexy blondie
hey dipshit |

| I was actually about to
| head to sleep
| but hey.

sexy blondie
don't care. im bored |
so talk to me |

| hmm okay but
| don't you have other
| friends 🤨🤨

sexy blondie
of course. |

He thinks to himself before typing again.

sexy blondie
not. thanks to u |
taking up all of my time |

spidey chick
| aww so I am ur only friend

sexy blondie
unfortunately as of now. |

spidey chick
| so I'm special to u? >:)

sexy blondie
no. just convenient. |

spidey chick
| mhm. that's what u said
| last time, and look where
| that put you.

sexy blondie
you are just a very convenient |
person to use. |

spidey chick
| u say this but i have a theory
| that you may actually
| like talking to me ;)

sexy blondie
in your dreams |

spidey chick
| alright, whatever then.
| im going to bed
| don't need this energy in my
| life rn.

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