chapter 4:his way of thinking

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Zayns POV

Well I was running late for school soo I just had to hurry. my hair took longer to fix today so it took me extra time to fix. I saw the time and it was 7:40 so I walked out to my car and I saw Alo walking out and I saw she was looking at me and to be honest she was beautiful and I coudlnt help and smile. A few seconds later I found my self walking up to her.

"soo umm...would you like a ride to school?"I was a bit nervous of what she'll say.

She didn't respond and I coudnt help but feel awkward because she didn't respond."sooo... is that a yes?" I hope she answer's this time.

" im sorry I wasnt lisening can you say it again im sooo sorry"

"Yea...I said would you like a ride to school I noticed you dont have a car not that I stalk you or anything I mean youre hot but ohh my god did I just say that-"she cut me off and to be honest im glad she did because if not I dont know what I would have told her.

"Yea I would love a ride, thanks"she walked over to my car and I opened the door for her.

"Why thank you mr.malik."I couldnt help blush a little at her comment  and I bowed down "no problem ms. Ms....feel free to help me out."I oviesly knew her last name but I had already called her hot and I didnt want to make myself sound like a creep.

"Castillo"i know....

"Well ms.castillo lets get going or well be late. "If we dont hurry I wont be able to get my coffee like always.

We drove in silence untill she noticed the difference.

"Shoulnt we have made a right and not a left?" I had nothing planned and thats weird for me I dont know why I mean im nice and all but I can be an ass at times and that usually happened when I liked someone, not that I like her or anything.

"Yea"was all I said but I dont even know why I had forgotten what she said.

When we got to starbucks I remembered what she asked me and I was so in to my thoughts that I didnt explain.

"Well what would you like?" I waited for her to decide but nothing she  didnt speak at all.

"Alo!?!?" I kindda whisper shouted to her.."whould you like coffee or a hot chocolate?"I dont know why I gave her options she could choose anything omg wow..

"Ill take a black coffe please." Well she answered that was good but I felt bad for giveing her options I should have let her answer.
I orderd and then I saw her getting money ohh no she is not paying its on me.

"Here zayn"

"No no no alo its on me dont worry"I wasnt going to let her pay .

"Look zayn im going to pay weather you like it or not you giveing me a ride tge least I could do is pay for your coffee " my mouth fell into a perfect O.

"Look im not leting you pay not today or when EVER youre with me so get use to it" I dont really know why I said that  but I meant it.
After that we stayed is silence

"Well....... I hope you let me give you a lift more often." Wow im just showing her that I like her wow zayn way to go

"Umm yea that would be nice." I noticed her cheeks get a bit red.

"Yea just let me know okay. "

After that I heard lou call her he seems upset I could hear him yelling a bit well thats my signal to leave.

"Well i see lou is on his lady days so ill let you to talk, ill ummmmm mean if you want I can give you a ride home I mean were neighbor's right." Almost fucked up

"Yea of course thanks for the coffee and ride"i graved her waist and kissed her forehead I know she might not like me but I had to I couldn't help myself she is just omg I dont even know. I sound like a girl.

I leaft and well class almost started and me and alo had no classes together today. When I walked in class had already started and Mr. Ramos had noticed that I was late.

"Mr. Malik you would of thought that the student who is asking to pass my class wouls atleast be on time to MY class." With that I felt my blood boiling how the fuck does he not know kids just they will try to be on their side but I guess he doesnt know that,fucken twat.

" zayn take your seat and lets try to ovoid this next class." Just breath you dont want to get suspended again for the same reason!I took my seat and thankfully it went by fast.

"Zayn" why is he calling me uhhhhh.
"Yes" what did I do I didnt answer back at him.

"Look I know that in the beginning of class you didnt mean to be late but you need to get here on time."

"I know" I couldn't hold it anymore he is getting on my nerves

"Im just leting you know so start comeing on time" if he doesnt stop talking im going to swing at him he is just sooo fucken stupid.

I walked out and went to my next class thankfylky he didnt notice me the whole class amd it went by fast cause usually her class whent by so fucken slow.

I meet up with the guys at lunch and lou was talking to alo again he was a little pist but why did they have something going on wow. Well that proofs it they do,she just hugged him and that whole thing was soo stupid. I decided to just leave I wasnt going to watch her literally scream out she loved him. I mean I oviesly had no chance with her and I know I have got other girls on me but this was different I know I sound like a dork but she was beautiful and I coudlnt just tell her she likes lou and I need to not fuck that up again.

Well at lunch I went to the other side of the school where it was abandoned room and no one went to cauae of what happemd here a couple years ago but hey im here and I liked being in that class all alone and just smoke.

When luch was over I didnt care to going to my other classes so I just went home. I got their and smoked like how I always did after school, No one was ever home so who even cared right.

Ring ring ring

"Hello?" It was lou what did he want.

"Zayn where are you?" Wow today its just been a day full of a bitchy lou.

"Um home I left after luch why?" Why does he even care.

"Zayn you told alo you would take her home cause you guys were neighbors and shit."I could notice the sarcasm he had, I slapped my self in the forehead

" more time with her for you, dont you think? Ohh I have an Idea I think her house is empty why dont you bring her on over here and you both fuck? Isnt that a great idea mate?"

"Fuck you zayn I know you like her okay and its hard for you to notice but stop being a fucken dick towards me and her." Whith that he hung up and god knows how she got home,I tryed hard not to think of that and go to sleep for the rest of the day.

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