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    We were all in rehearsal right before we went on Thanksgiving break. I was playing the piano as Nini and Ricky were singing the start of something new, as dancers were around them with disco balls and signs.

    "Yes! Yes! Whoo!" E.J shouts as soon as the last bell rang. "Sorry. I really love Thanksgiving." He apologizes, as everyone laughs.

    "Okay, hold on. I know everyone is excited for the holiday break. But I'm me, and I have notes. Ricky and Nini, that was good. But it could be better. she said in the spirt of holiday cheer." Miss Jenn says, "Good save." Carlos says about her last correction.

    "Your homework over this break, all of you, is to please go on vocal rest. And go over your line, too, which is hard to do on vocal rest. But make it work. And remember, may nothing ever block your doorway to happiness." Miss Jenn announced as everybody picked up their stuff and was ready to head out for the week.

    "Excuse me!" Mr. Mazzara exclaims as he enters the room. "Okay, starting now." Miss Jenn says adding onto her inspirational quote.

    "Oh, don't mind me. I just came to return a missing item. Ashlyn. Cannot have our robotics team co-captain going home without her binder over the break." He says handing the girl her binder.

    I was just talking with Carlos and Ashlyn about thanksgiving, "Oh. Cobbler sounds so nice. My family usually has three protein courses and then everybody's asleep by 6:00." Carlos says as Big Red joins the conversation. "My folks start eating at dawn and then they barely make it past the Macy's parade." He says.

    "Yeah, a store bought rotisserie chicken, and instant mashed potato's just about does it for me." I add laughing a bit at the end.

    "Well, at least your folks are sticking around. E.J's parents are treating my parents to a spa in Park City after dinner tomorrow. They told us to try and have a meaning full night at the movies." Ashlyn says as we all look at each other and have an idea.

    "Wait.." "I was gonna say" Ashlyn and Carlos say as we all think the same thing. "Do you guys wanna come over after dinner tomorrow? Like late night party." Ashlyn asks as Big Red and I nods our heads in agreement.

    "I never don't want that." Carlos says really wanting to have this party, "Should we keep it to a small group or.." Big Red starts but is cut off by Carlos announcing to everybody, "Party at Ashlyn's after Thanksgiving tomorrow! Everyone's invited!" He announces as everybody cheers, excited for the party.

———— [...] ————-

"Hey G. What are you making?" I say as I walk into the kitchen after dinner, "Gluten-free cupcakes I'm making for the party." She says mixing the batter.

"Okay then. What's this?" I say picking up a knitted hat that was sitting on the counter. "Oh. I made that." I only turn to look at her a quirked my eyebrow. "What? Do you not believe me?" Gina questions me. "Are you sure you made this?" I ask making her just give me a look that says really.

"Okay, okay. I believe you." I pause before continuing, "It looks great G." I pause before continuing, "So, are we gonna head over to Ashlyns soon?" I ask her. "Umm, you can go without me, I gotta finish these, and then I think I'm gonna go over to Ricky's...to walk him over to Ashlyn's." Gina says as I look at her interested about Ricky.

"Okay, what is going on between you and Ricky?" I question her, "Nothing, we're just friends." she answers as I could t help but smirk at her. "What?" Gina questions me, "Nothing" I say as I walk over to her as she's about to pour the batter into the cupcake tin. While she looking away I stick my finger into the batter and taste it before running back upstairs. "Marie! You can't just eat out of the bowl!" Gina calls, "Yes, I can!" I call back from my room.

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