Where am I?

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Hello, dear readers! I had no more patience and I posted the next chapter. Please vote and comment if you like it. More is to come. I'll try to post as often as possible. Have a great day!

Nikolay POV

- A month before -

When I opened my eyes a month before I knew it was the first time when I could see around me after a very long time during which I had been created. I felt like a new born.

I've been fighting with a state of amnesia since then which torments me because every day my mind remembers a little bit from my first two days after the Great Darkness. I woke up exhausted in a semi dark quiet room. I couldn't remember how long I had been staring into the dimness before I was able to move my numble limbs. Strange thin wires were connected to my chest and afterwards I heard several warning beeps. Dark silhouettes rushed towards my bed and scratchy voices mixed up in my head. It was long after I realised I was in a hospital room and I was not alone. There were many other men lying in beds. I didn't have the slightest idea why I was in a hospital and the doctors didn't tell me either. The more I tried to speak and recall my last relic the worse my head ache felt. I had flash backs with my late mother and boxing fights. Relics were sweeping into my mind like water fills up a pool. The head ache became unbearable untill I started to squirm and I passed out. When I woke up again warm light hit my eyes softly. I knew who I was. Nikolay Yurasov, 28 years old, convicted for first degree murder in Black Dolphin Prison, on the Kazakhstan border. I was training myself for the last fighting tournament between Russian prisons. If I had won this last fight I would have been free. My thoughts were cut off when I heard a man near my bed tossing and screaming in pain. Perhaps he also remembered his past.

"Mr. Yurasov, how do you feel today?" a kind voice spoke to me. As I turned my head I saw a doctor in a white gown standing in front of my bed.

"I feel well. Can I go back to my cell? I've got work to do" I answered him pissed off.

"I'm afraid I don't know anything about any cell, buy you can go to the front desk, you're discharged." He told me as he helped me to get down from the bed and stand on my two shaky feet.

"Where the hell am I?"

"You'll receive more information at the front desk" he smiled back to me.Everything felt suspicious because there were no guards to follow me out in the hall. Confused people just like me were walking up and down. I realised I didn't recognize anybody. It didn't seem I was in Russia anymore.

"What the f**k are you staring at?" I asked a young man who was looking at me. "Do you know who I am?"

"No, sir" he replied back. 

Sir?! Nobody told a convict he could be a sir before. I laughed sarcastically and looked suspiciously down the hall towards the front desk where many people were standing in a line.

"What on Earth is going on here?" I asked him moving my head towards the long line.

"I think they give us our belongings."

"What the hell is this place? How did we get here?"

"Can't you remember anything? Haven't you spoken to the Darkness?" he wondered. My head started to spin as I tried to remember more. I ignored the line and I approached the front desk. I faced a lady dressed in a white suite.

"What's all this circus about mam?"

"Can you please stand in line? I will answer your questions when it will be your turn" she replied with a kind soft voice.

"I don't want to wait anything, miss, you either tell me what's going on here or I'm getting out."

"You can't get out of here now, you don't know where to head to."

"I've been waiting for 10 years to be free, it doesn't even matter if I have a place to go or not."

"You have a very important place to be" she told me kindly. "Please wait in line, mr. Yurasov."

How the hell did she knew my name? What kind of idiot game was this? I'm usually not an understanding man and I headed to the big glass front doors in order to get out of there as soon as possible. I pushed the doors but they didn't move. I kicked them with my fists and when nothing happened I kicked with my feet. They didn't open, didn't crack, didin't broke. Full of rage I started to curse staring at my clenched fists and back to the front desk. Everyone was looking curious and frightened at me. The funny woman dressed in the white suite approached me quickly and handed me a bag and an envelope.

"These are your belongings," she said out of breath. "Read The Letter and maybe you'll feel better." As I grabbed the bag and the envelope, the glass doors opened instantly.

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