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I turned my face down and my right cheek touched the cool satin sheet of the pillow. It was another morning I woke up alone, the bed feeling empty, me being gloomy and the dawn blue. Just another day to thank God that eventhough Nikolay had been living for more than two weeks in the living room, I didn't see him once and didn't really care where he was spending the evenings. 

Dave, the guy who owned the childrens' club, where I took Vladi and Oli on Sundays to meet other children and play, informed me with an awkward smirk on his face that "my partner" as he referred to Nikolay, had a boxing match on Saturday evening and he won by KO in 2 minutes. Dave was one of the few people who watched the match and he seemed very impressed by Nikolay's skills. He was basically telling me all these, grinning and elongating every vowel from every word. It felt embarassing. I wasn't even interested in "my partner's" wereabouts. Or was I and didn't want to admit to myself? Nikolay intrigued me and I didn't even have the chance to know him a little better. The other adults from the club started to throw me odd glances and I couldn't stop them from affecting me. 

As usually I helped the children dress for school, managed to eat a simple sandwich and get ready for another ordinary day at the clinic. It was not much to fix up, my hair was cut in a short bob hairstyle and I always wore light make-up. I dressed in red culottes trousers and simple white t-shirt. I was about to change my clothes at the clinic anyway. I walked the children to school and headed to my job. As I got in the clinic I saw an anxious man waiting at the entrance.

"Good morning!" I greeted him trying to seem politely eventhough I could have cut the tension in the air with my scalpel. 

"This is a good morning for you." He answered me back, grinding his teeth. The guy was much more taller than me and seemed really pissed off.

"Is everything allright, sir?"

"Does it look like I'm allright, doc? Your collegue is inside trying to save my dog. I waited one hour in front your filthy clinic, carring Boby in my arms and nobody showed up until the red head opened the door." He said breathlessly while I was stepping backwards. "If you can't save him," he rushed towards me, I swear... I swear..."

"Please calm down, sir" I knew I was good at calming people down, "take a sit in the waiting room, we promise we'll do anything in our power to save your dog."

"You'd better save him." I heard him yelling after me as I grabbed my robe and a mask to cover my mouth and nose and entered the OR. Seline already cut the poodle's stomach and glanced hasty at me.

"Boby swallowed a large sock yesterday. His poor stomach is a mess, I don't think he'll survive and his owner is a trouble!" Seline warned me. "I tried to explain him that the chances for this little fellow to survive are very low, but he threatened me!"

"I met the guy at the entrance, he was outraged!"

We managed to take the sock outside, but Boby was too weak to make it. Me and Seline had to cut too much from his bowel and eventually Boby died. Poor little fellow.

"Who's gonna tell the owner about Boby's death now?" Seline looked alarmed at me.

"We shall both talk to him and explain what happened during the surgery." I suggested. Bad choice because as we faced the horrified Boby's owner outside the OR, hell broke loose.

"We tried our best to save Boby, but his stomach was too small, we hat to cut too much from his bowel to take the big sock out. We are very sorry, sir."

"Are you trying to tell me that Bobby died?" His eyes went wide and I could feel the rush of adrenaline and anger hitting me like a wave.

"I've already explained you that the chances for Boby to survive, were very low." Seline also tried.

"You stupid bitches!" The man yelled angry and took a blade out of his pocket, his eyeballs popping out, his voice cracking. Seline grabed my hand frightened.

"Calm down" I suggested him. We all know it's very hard to loose someone we love..."

"You know no shit miserable shrew!" He shouted, pointing the blade towards my face. "Boby followed me from the other world, he was my only friend, my only link to my past and my life! And you imbecile sluts couldn't save him!" He pointed his blade towards Seline's direction and then switching it back to me. "Don't tell me to calm down!"

"Please understand that we are simple vets, we're not God, we don't work miracles. Put the blade down, it will only make things worse." I was breathing jerky, my pulse running 1000 km/minute, my throat dry. Seline was squeacking slowly next to me.

"You are no vets, you are two crazy bitches! And I will gladly slit your throat, like you did to Boby's belly!" He shouted and brought his blade to one side of my neck stinging through my thin skin. I was never as terrifief as then. 

"Put the blade down!" I heard a thunder voice behind Boby's owner and when I realized who that poweful voice belonged to, the guy grabbed my shoulder quickly and slipped behind me. One hand pulling my hair backwards, with the other hand stinging my neck. I was looking desperate inside Nikolay's menancing black eyes and he into mine.

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