Danger in the house

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There he was. A tall bull-like man with deep rough glare was standing in front of my door... our door. That was also his house eventually. I wasn't expecting him anymore. I even prayed every night that he wouldn't come. People around town spread the news that he was a con and for God's sake he was looking like one. If I knew he would pop out that evening I wouldn't have worn something so revealing like shorts and yet a very short t-shirt.

"Come in" I invited him inside the livingroom. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at his bag. This meant he wanted to live with us.

"Don't worry, I don't want to disturb you. I will find a place to move in fast" he scrached his chin with his thumb.

"There's no problem" I tried to breath between words. I guess I was shivering. "You can live here as long as you want. This is not only my house" I wanted to bite my tongue and chew it.

Oli and Vladi slid from the kitchen and my poor little Vladi let slip a happy awe and ran to hug Nikolay's strong waist with his tiny arms. My eyes popped out. Nikolay was also surprised. They had a quick chat in Russian.

"Teacher from school!" said Vladi pinning me with his cheerful gaze.

"I know him from school, he is my pupil. We talk often because we speak the same language" pointed Nikolay up.

"I didn't know that" I felt so ashamed. I had no idea that Vladi used to chat with this man, whose name was on my Letter, he never mentioned it to me. "This is Oli" I hid my shame introducing my other boy. "Do you also know each other?"

"No" answered Oli shortly and I noticed he was studying Nikolay carefully with his eyes.

"We haven't had the pleasure yet" the man stated, reaching Oli's shoulder and tapping it slowly. "Im at school every day from early morning and then I spend my whole time at the Boxing Club. I will only come here to sleep late at night" Nikolay continued with his hoarse voice. He sounded so manly and dominant. "Where could I sleep?"

I looked around and pointed out towards the couch. "And there is the bathroom" I showed him.

"The small bathroom" added Oli.

"Yes, this is how we call it, because it's more small than the one upstaires we use" I said caressing his blonde hair. "And you can also use this closet for your clothes. Are you allright with these?

"I slept in a prison cell for 10 years, this seems like heaven to me" he admited. I froze and hoped he didn't notice it.

"If you'd like I could show you around the house" I concluded eventhough I wanted a convict anywhere but not in this house, nor around it. I wondered what he had done to be put in jail and why and how he managed to survive The Great Darkness. He dismissed my offer with his shook of a hand.

"Would you like to see our mommy-cat? She's giving birth under the terrace" Oli asked him unashamed. "Ida is a vet and she allows us to foster stray animals unlike my mother. She would have never agreed with bringing animals at home." Oli started to tell Nikolay and I was astonished at how opened was Oli towards this man because he was barely talking to me.I excused myself and took the boys with me in the kitchen telling them to give our visitor time to settle down in the living room.

Our kitchen door was glass made and as I was setting the table I also peeked how Nikolay was adjusting in the other room. I noticed he didn't like to talk, he used a few words with us. I guessed he didn't talk much in jail. Everything was savage and rough by him, his voice, his glare, his behaviour, his muscular body and all these together sent shivers down my spine. How could I sleep at night near a con under the same roof?

"Can you, please, ask Nikolay if he wants to have dinner with us?" I told Oli meanwhile I was filling the plates. Oli slipped outside and shortly after Nikolay's huge silhouette filled up the kitchen.

"I told you I don't want to disturb you, Ida." 

Something twiched inside of me when he uttered my name with that bold voice. It was only about me, it was the second time in half an hour he mentioned he didn't want to disturb me but he didn't include the children in the same sentence.

"We have plenty of food, please take a seat and join us" I tried to be as polie as I could. I didn't even understand myself and why I was so kind hearted with this dangerous man.

As I pulled the fork near my mouth I saw Nikolay muttering something in silence keeping his eyes shut. I was more than shocked, speechless. He was saying a prayer.

"Are you a christian?" I dared to ask him as he opened his eyes and grabed his fork.

"Aren't you?" he answered poiting with his head to my gold cross hanging on my gold catenary. I touched it spontaneous and noded my head when I realized he also had one hanging on his neck.We ate in peaceful silence and not even the children tried to break it. When we finished dinner, Nikolay offered himself to wash the dishes and he didn't accept no for an answer.

Thank you all for reading my first ever published story! We're already ranking #8 in convict. I'm so happy! Please vote and comment, I'd really like to find out what you think about this story so far and if there's anything I could improve.

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