C H A P T E R 38

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On the day of the meeting where I would be introduced as queen, Arius spent the entire morning getting ready for our visitors

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On the day of the meeting where I would be introduced as queen, Arius spent the entire morning getting ready for our visitors. Currently sitting in his room as I was basically moved in here, I was getting ready at the vanity for tonight. It was three hours before the meeting when I started to get ready. I spent the next few hours pampering myself and getting all pretty for Arius's court. Doing a neutral eye and a dark red lip to match the dress, I finished my look by curling my hair and tying half of it up with a red crystal clip. Adding to my jewelry, I finally put on my dress and a pair of red heels along with it.

"Fucking hell," a voice behind me groaned as I stood in front of the full-length mirror.

Turning around, I saw Arius wearing the all-black suit I first met him in, plus the jacket. Swooning over my mate, I thanked the gods for giving me the most handsome mate in existence. Getting caught up in checking out Arius, I didn't even realize that he had walked over to me. Blushing bright red, I moved my head up to stare at his blue eyes.

"How did I get the most beautiful mate ever?" Arius whispered to me as he bent down to give a light kiss on my lips.

"Careful, I spent a lot of time on my makeup," I said to Arius.

He chuckled before moving back, taking one of my hands into his and twirling me around.

"You look stunning, my sweet girl. All you're missing is this," he said before turning around to grab a black velvet box.

"What's in it?" I asked, curiously.

Instead of answering me, Arius simply opened the box to showcase a stunning tiara decorated with red jewels.

"Arius," I said, breathlessly.

He gave me his signature smirk as he took out the tiara and placed it on my head. Turning me around, he put his hand around my chin to pull it up so I was looking at the mirror.

"A true queen, my queen," Arius whispered while placing kisses down the side of my neck.

"I can't wear this Arius, it's too much," I said.

"Nonsense, amare, that crown has been waiting for you for over an eon. It was made for you, darling Ana," Arius replied.

"Do you know what I realized?" I asked Arius.

"What?" he asked.

"When I first found out we were mates after I drank your blood, there were multiple visions that popped up in my head. I was wearing this dress in the most prominent vision with a crown on top of my head."

"As I said, it was made for you," Arius replied.

Before I could answer him, there was a knock on the door and soon after, Aknoi walked in.

"They're here, waiting in the throne room for the two of you," he said.

"Thanks," Arius said.

Akoni nodded and then shut the door to leave, giving us some privacy.

"Ready?" Arius asked me.

"As I'll ever be," I replied.

Arius walked to the safe in his room to open and take out his own black jeweled crown to put on his head.

He turned to me and offered me his hand before saying, "Then let's show them what Analise Kade is made of."

I took the hand he offered as we then left his room and made our way to the throne room.

"When we get there, you do not say hi or even give them a greeting. Walk immediately to the two thrones at the end of the room and sit down. I'll introduce you as my queen and then the meeting will begin," Arius instructed.

Continuing, he said, "My advisors are not people who look for kindness, they will undermine you until you prove to them your strength. Their sole purpose is to make sure that our kingdom will thrives. Once you prove to them you are worthy of being queen, then you'll be accepted and trusted into our court."

"Don't worry Arius, I won't let them get to me and soon they will realize soon not to mess with me," I replied.

"Oh my darling mate, I'm not worried about you. I'm more so worried about them because I know that you will outshine them all."

"You're so cheesy, Arius," I said to him.

"What can't a guy compliment his mate?" Arius asked.

Stopping in front of the throne room, I turned to Arius and kissed him on the cheek before saying "You're such a simp."

"What's a simp, is it an animal?" Arius asked, tilting his head in question.

"You know what, never mind," I replied.

We both turned our faces to neutral as Arius pushed the large doors open. I saw that there was a long table with about 12 seats, all of them filled with who I'm guessing to be Arius's advisors. We walked hand in hand to our seats in front of the room without even a glance at the people in the room. They all stood up in respect as we continued on to our seats.

Arius led me to sit down on one of the thrones as I looked at his face and realized there was no speck of softness in his eyes and that he was playing his role as the king of hell, god of chaos, and darkness. Giving me one last wink, he turned to address our audience, that was staring adamantly at me. An advisor in the front gave me a ruthless glare that I returned with a cruel smirk.

"I welcome you, my court, to the first meeting that our long-awaited queen will attend. I present to you, Analise Kade, your queen and my mate," Arius said.

As Arius said, I was now the queen, and my foremost duty is to the people. As long as these people don't trust and respect me, I won't be able to help the kingdom prosper.

Today I'll show them who I am, a woman, a citizen, Arius's mate.

But most of all, the mother-fucking queen.

Thank you for reading the thirty-eighth chapter of Darkened. Thank you for 89k reads on this book. I can't believe this book is almost to 100k, I'm so thankful for all my readers and am hoping that you're enjoying the story. See you guys in the next chapter.

QOD: Do put in the milk first or the cereal?

Mine: Milk, just because I like heating it up a little before putting the cereal in.

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