The day I turned 18 was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. The beginning of my future with my mate but it all turned to hell when I was rejected. He wanted someone powerful, someone equal to him. An accessory that could help him gain power...
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Flying across the table, I slammed Abia against the nearest wall, choking her. Even though I had her in a chokehold, she was smiling as if this entire situation amused her.
"Why did you call him?" I asked, squeezing her throat harder.
Showing to my hand around the neck, I reluctantly let her go. After a moment or so for her to catch her breath, she answered, "I didn't call him."
"Ok, you know what it doesn't matter if you did or not. Just tell him to not come?" Leo said.
"Darling, no one can tell that man what to do or what not to do. I am complimented that you think I can control that man."
"Why is he even coming here?" Rissa asked, "Can't he have the entire world bow to his feet if wanted."
Abia replied, "You can never have everything."
"What could Satan possibly want from us?" I asked, confused.
"I can think of one thing" Adonis muttered underneath his breath.
"Want to share with the group, Adonis?" I asked him, hearing his comment.
"No, he doesn't," Sin said, interrupting him.
Even though he calmly said his reply, I could see the fear coming from his eyes. So many emotions were on his face, that I couldn't pick up on only one. The fear though dominated all the other emotions. The two brothers have been hiding so much crucial information from us, and annoyance took control of me. They could have told us all about Satan before we hiked for weeks to find some useless prophet.
"We could have avoided all of this if you told us the truth," I said to Sin.
"You understand nothing," he replied, shaking his head.
"Of course I don't, you and your brother aren't telling us anything. How could the three of us possibly understand the situation if you don't tell us?"
"All I know is that ever since we stepped into this cave, it's like you became another person and honestly you're being an asshole," I said.
"Yeah, well, it doesn't even matter anymore," Sin said with finality, ending the conversation.
"Suscipe me in domum suam" Abia chanted, disappearing us all into another room.
"Where the hell are we now?" Rissa asked.
"This has been my home for the last few centuries. I thought this would be more comfortable as we waited for our guest. Make yourself at home," Abia answered before disappearing herself.
Seeing the corridor, I made my mind to go exploring Abia's home rather than stay here. As I walked onwards, Rissa joined our hands together to come with me. Taking one last look back, Sin was brooding off to the side for god knows what. Feeling my eyes on him, he moved them to mine, but there wasn't the same kindness in them as before. Turning around, Rissa and I walked away towards the kitchen since we had been hunting in our wolf forms this entire trip. Rummaging through her pantry and refrigerator, I found some mango and strawberries for me to snack on. Rissa found some cheez-its to eat for herself as we sat down on the barstools to enjoy our meal.
With her mouth full, Rissa said, "I can't believe we are going to be meeting Satan. What do you think he is like?"
Rissa's question has been on my mind more than I would like to give it credit for. Wanting to know more about him and what his motives are, has been plaguing my mind for better or worse.
To respond to Rissa, I just nodded and quietly said, "Guess we'll be finding out soon."
We ate quietly the rest of our small snack before heading back to the room we had left. Entering, all the boys were in their own corners with cups of tea in their hands. Abia must really love her tea. Abia on the side poured two more cups of her hot tea and handed it over to Rissa and me.
"Adonis wants to tell us what you were talking about before Sin cut you off," Rissa asked.
"No, he will not" Sin interrupted once again.
"Stop cutting in. The three of us deserve to know the truth of what you are hiding" Leo replied, finally showing some of his anger towards them.
"I said it's for the be-"
Before Sin could finish his sentence, we heard the door opening loudly, crashing against the wall. Standing was a tall man towering over all of it, even the lycans. Wearing an all-black suit without the jacket and his sleeves rolled up, we could see the ethereal tattoos swirling up both of his arms. The shirt he was wearing hugged all his muscles, defining them to show us the body he must have been working on over the years. On top of his head was a mess of onyx black hair styled to perfection. His face was perfectly symmetrical, making him the most gorgeous man I have ever laid my eyes on. But the thing that caught me most attracted to him were his eyes, the iciest blue eyes that can stare into your soul, looking into your deepest secrets.
Who the fuck do you belong to
I am the only one that touches you like this
My cup of tea went crashing to the ground as I heard Rissa and Leo ask me what was wrong, worried. Their voices quieted down as I focused on the man in front of me who had a devilish smirk on his face looking at me. A smirk of mischievousness and full of trouble to come.
"No, no, this can't be happening" I muttered quietly.
"Looks like I'll be joining in all this fun" he said.
His voice soothing my soul, rough and sexy all in one, just like the one from my dreams. The man in front of me was the one haunting me in my dreams.
Turning his attention to me he said "Amica mea."
Thank you for reading the twenty-third chapter of Darkened (Sorry guys for the short chapter). The next chapter will come out during my normal schedule and will be the first one of part three. See you guys in the next chapter.
Who is he to Ana?
What do you think the black smoke is for?
Thoughts about the chapter?
QOD: If you had one meal left, what would it be?
Mine: probably sushi or japchae
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