Arius and Ana Short

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A little short outside of the storyline of Arius and Ana.



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"Amare, what is a simp?" Arius asked me while I was a reading a book in my bed.

"It's been on my mind since you called me that. Was I right, is it an animal?" he continued.

I closed the book and put it on the nightstand before going over to Arius and climbing onto his lap.

"Your so cute, Ari baby."

Arius moved his hand to my waist and said "Tell me what it is, darling girl."

"A simp is a man that is too attentive and submissive towards a woman."

"Huh. I am not a simp" he said.

"You totally are baby" I said, kissing his nose.

"How about I show you how dominant I can be" Arius said with a smirk, twisting us over so he was on top of me.

I giggled and said "Show me my king."

Your still a simp though.


A little short of Arius and Ana about Ari finally finding out what a simp is.

Sorry to break it to you, Arius, but your a simp.

See you guys in the next chapter.

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insta: xelegiicx



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