Chapter 8

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"Ugh, so much work." YuJun mumbled as he placed a paper he had just finished, into the small pile of finished work. He then grabbed a paper from the tall pile of unfinished work, and brought it to him.

He let out a sigh as he read what was on the paper. He preyed deep down, that someone would save him from the large paperwork he has yet to finished. And as if God was listening to his thoughts, a knock on his office door interrupted him.

Thanking the gods, he called the other person in. Once he saw who it was, he cursed the gods. Entering his office was none other then his attendant. Yujun's saddened and his heart throbbed.

"What is it?" Yujun asked, looking down at his paperwork. He couldn't look at Young-soo right now. Their argument from earlier was still fresh, and his heart still hurt. He was in love with his attendant, but because he was the king, he had to bare a heir.

"Your Majesty," Young-soo said as he stared at the king who was looking at the paperwork with sad eyes. Young-soo knows why the king is sad, and he knew that everytime he mentions that the king cannot marry him, it hurts Yujun. But he didn't want his king to get in trouble nor be hated on. "I see you are working, I'll leave then."

"Yes, I'll see you later." Yujun said with a quiet voice. From his peripheral vision, he watched as Young-soo slowly turn away from him. Yujun held the paper higher up to cover his face as tears race down his cheeks. He hated being the king. He so badly wish he could be a normal person and be able to love and marry who he wished.

The paper that was covering Yujun's face was ripped out of his hand. Yujun's eyes widen and he looked up at Young-soo who was the one to rip the paper out of his hands. Young-soo grabbed a tissue and wiped Yujun's tears.

"Stop crying, you baby." Young-soo said in a soft voice. Young-soo looked at Yujun's red and tear stain face with soft yet sad eyes. Young-soo's heart was hurting just as bad as Yujun's. He too loved Yujun, but he wouldn't let anyone disrespect nor look down on his king. "This is all I can do."

After saying that Young-soo kissed Yujun's forehead. He stood up and faced the other way. They both wished for more, but knew that that would complicate everything. "Young-soo" Yujun said with a red face. Young-soo didn't turn around and instead made his way to the door.

"Goodnight, your Majesty." Young-soo said before leaving. Outside of the office door, Young-soo covered his mouth as his cheeks redden. His heart was beating fast, yet it also throbbed. Young-soo took a deep breath, trying to control his heart.

"If you love the king so bad, then why not be with him?" A voice said. Young-soo's eyes widen as he snapped his head towards the person who said it. It was Yoongi, who was leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What are you doing here?" Young-soo asked, hoping to change the subject. Yoongi let out a sigh before answering Young-soo.

"I was trying to find the bathroom. This castle has way to many rooms." Yoongi said as he ran a hand through his hair. He then looked back at Young-soo. "Anyways, you didn't answer me. If you love your king so much, then why don't you be with him?"

Young-soo bit the inside of his lip. He wished Yoongi would drop this topic, but it seems the dragon was quite interested in the topic. "The king needs a heir. Being with me is not an option-"

"That's what you keep telling yourself that." Yoongi interrupted Young-soo. "If you and the king love each other, then there's no one stopping you from being together. As for a heir, you can always adopt."

Young-soo stood with a shock expression on his face. What Yoongi had said to him, hit him hard. Was he just telling himself that because he was scared or was it the truth?

"Well, it's not my business. However," Yoongi stood up from leaning against the wall. "if you two do end up being together, then just know you'll have the support of an angry midget and the prince of the Heart Kingdom. And I guess the dragon warriors as well."

Young-soo stared at Yoongi. Was that true? Would he and his king have support from Jimin, Taehyung and the dragon warriors?

Yoongi yawned as he turn around. "Well, I'm heading back to my room. If I can find it that is. Damn, why do there have to be so many rooms..."

Young-soo watched as the dragon warrior left, leaving him to his thoughts. He was conflicted and didn't know what to do or believe. Letting out a sigh, Young-soo made his way to his own room, retiring for the night. He just hopes he can get some sleep.

After a very long break, I'm back. To be honest, I had a writers block, which is normal. I still have writer's block but I'm trying to get at least these chapters out to you guys. Though, from the looks of it, it took wayyyy longer then I expected. I'm sorry if these two chapters aren't good. I'm trying. Anyways, see you soon....I hope.....


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