Chapter 11

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When Jungkook finally woke up, the first thing he took notice was not the fact that Taehyung was in his arms, cuddling him. The first thing he noticed was a black fluffy bunny sitting on his head.

Jungkook lifted a hand to move the creature, only for it to stomp its foot on his head in protest. Jungkook cursed as he pushed the bunny off his head and rubbed the spot where the bunny stomped. However, in doing so, he woke Taehyung up.

Taehyung stir awake from his dreams and stretched his arms before he sat up. After rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he saw Jungkook grav the back of the black bunny and glare at it. It interesting sight to behold.

"Jungkook, why are you having a glaring contest with a bunny?" Taehyung asked, trying to hold in his laughter.

"This damn thing stomped my head." Jungkook said in an irritated voice. How dare a mere bunny stomp on a dragon warriors head? "Let's cook it for breakfast."

Upon hearing this the bunny kicked its foot and hit Jungkook in the face, causing Jungkook to let go of the bunny. The creature hopped over to Taehyung and sat in front of him.

When Taehyung looked at the creature, he noticed that the collar had a small note on it. Taehyung grabbed the note and pet the bunny, before he opened it.

My baby, I heard you're in town. Come visit me. I bet you have a lot to tell me.

Taehyung smiled at the note, knowing who it was from. Only one person in the whole world would refer to him as a "my baby".

Jungkook was now chasing the bunny around the room, trying to catch it. However, the small creature was unusually fast. Taehyung couldn't hold his laughter in anymore, and starts laughing uncontrollably.

"It's not funny! This damn thing's kick hurt like hell!" Jungkook said in an irrational voice. But he quickly stopped chasing the bunny and sat down on the bed again. Once he sat back down, he thought about what he just said.

A small kick from a bunny hurt? After all the torture I went through, I never once said it why am I saying a small creature's kick hurt? Jungkook thought with a small frown on his face.

"Tch, anyways what was in the note?" Jungkook asked as he glanced at the small paper in Taehyung's hand. He too had noticed the bunny had a note, but ws to irritated at the fact that it kicked him to actually grab the note.

"It's from Queen Haru." Taehyung said in a soft voice. Queen Haru was like an older sister to him. "She knows we're here, and told me to come visit her."

Jungkook nodded his head, as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes. However, when he felt something sit on his lap, he opened his eyes once more.

The black bunny sat on his lap and was staring at him.

"Let's go now." Jungkook said as he grabbed the bunny by the neck. "This fluff ball needs to be returned, before I actually eat it."

With a chuckle from Taehyung, they both walked out of the hotel with a bunny in hand.


"Love," Queen Haru called. She was sitting in her office doing paperwork, and wanted some attention from her partner.

The young woman who was with her last night, smiled at Haru. The woman was very beautiful. She had blue shoulder length wavy hair, hazel eyes, and light skin.

Unlike King Yujun and Young-soo's situation, Queen Haru has publicly announced the young lady as her partner. At first, there was a bunch of nobles who were in a fit of rage at the fact that Queen Haru would settle for someone like the lady.

The major reason wasn't the fact that Queen Haru was dating another woman. The major reason why nobles were angry, was because the said woman wasn't of noble blood, however she didn't care. She fell in love for the lady for her personality.

When Queen Haru had enough of the nobles, she announced that if anyone said anything bad about her partner, they would be severely punished. Ever since then, no rude comments ever left someone's lips again. And Queen Haru and her partner, lady Akira, lived in peace.

Akira walked over to Haru, only for Haru to pull her onto her lap. Haru placed many kisses all over Akira's neck, face, and lips, making her blush.

"I love you." Haru said in a soft whisper. It's been 7 years since Haru and Akira been together, and have been 3 years since they got married. However, their love only grew more stronger by the day.

"I-I love you too, my queen." Akira said with a soft chuckle. For a queen, Haru didn't act like one.

Just then, someone knocked on the office door. It was a palace soldier.

"Your Majesty, prince Taehyung is here."

"Let him in." Haru said, wrapping her arms around Akira who was trying to get off Haru's lap.

Taehyung walked in, followed by Jungkook and the bunny. Taehyung was a bit shocked to see Haru hugging someone, but a smile soon appeared onto his face.

"Haru, long time no see." Taehyung said, as he sat on the couch. Jungkook sat right next to Taehyung, as close as he could get, with the bunny on his lap. For some reason, the bunny actually like Jungkook...Taehyung thinks at least.

"My baby, it has been a long time. I'm glad to see you safe and sound." Haru said as she finally let go of Akira. Akira quickly bowed at Taehyung, before she stood in the corner close to Haru's desk. "Whose this young man?"

"This is the fire dragon, Jungkook." Taehyung said, before adding, "He's also my boyfriend."

Just hearing Taehyung call him 'his boyfriend', made Jungkook smiled. However, that smirk disappeared when he stared at the bunny who was looking at him. The bunny looked disgusted at Jungkook smiling.

"Oho, got yourself a boyfriend now did ya." Haru teased as she saw Taehyung's cheeks turning red. "Anyways, why is my baby here? Don't get me wrong, I love that you visited my kingdom. However, something tells me you came here for something else."

Taehyung let out a sigh. Leave it to Haru to know something is up. Despite her not acting like a Queen, Haru is very skilled in combat, magic, and reading people.

"Jihun is going to start a world war." Taehyung said with another sigh. "I'm going to stop him. However, I need help."

Taehyung explained their plan to Haru, who listened intently. He also explained everything that had happened up until they got here, not hiding anything. He knew he could trust Haru.

"Hm." Haru was thinking over everything Taehyung had just told her. "So, you want me to lend you my strength, as well as protect your citizens lives. That's a lot to ask for. I have to think about my citizens as well."

Taehyung looked down at his hands. He knew he was asking for a lot, but as things are, many innocent people will die if Jihun starts war.

Jungkook intertwined his and Taehyung's fingers, rubbing his thumb up and down on the back of Taehyung's hand. He could tell Taehyung was getting nervous.

After a good couple of minutes, Haru gave her answer to them.

"Very well, I'll help you."

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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