Chapter 13

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Ever since they had left, Hoseok has been on edge around Yon. He knew what he was doing was rude, however he couldn't not be on edge around a grim reaper. Hoseok had a bad past with grim reapers, which ended with tears falling and blood splattering everywhere.

Yon, though sometimes dense to others body language, could tell Hoseok felt uncomfortable around her. He wouldn't stand no more than 6 feet from her. This hurt her, but she never let that show on her face. In fact, her face showed no emotions. Why was that? It was because, ever since she left the house, she felt extremely sick. She didn't want Hoseok to know, because then they'd have to stop somewhere and delay their mission. Yon knew how important this mission was, so she kept her face void of emotions.

They had got the note from Jungkook, informing them that King Yujun and Queen Haru had agreed to help them. That just leaves King Malchin.

Hoseok and Yon had already arrived at the castle, and already met with King Malchin. However, as expected, he refused to help them. Despite his rude and dick behavior, he let Hoseok and Yon stay as long as they wanted.

"Hoseok." Yon called out, her voice was quiet but loud enough for him to hear her. However, Hoseok never turned to face her.

The two were in the library. Hoseok sat at a table reading a book, while Yon approached him from behind. She wanted to ask how long would they stay for, but seeing how Hoseok ignored her, she wouldn't get an answer.

Yon's face was pale, and dark circles were noticeable under her blue eyes. Black hair, now at shoulder length, was a bit disheveled. Because she hasn't been feeling good, she had skipped many meals. It's bad enough to skip meals, but more so for Yon. Her body was very weak, and her frame was small.

"Hoseok." Yon called again. Yet just like last time, Hoseok ignored her. She couldn't take it anymore. Her patience has worn thin, she was tired, she hasn't eating for days, she was sick, and the person she has a crush on is ignoring her for no reason.

Yon raised her hand, which had a thin book in it, and threw it at the back of Hoseok's head.

"Ow! What the hell, Yon!" Hoseok hissed as he turned around and glared at her. "What! What is it that you possibly want!"

Yon's hands turned into fists. Her blood was boiling. Hoseok didn't have the right to be so angry at her, when he's been ignoring her for days, and avoiding her like she was a virus. Granted, she did feel bad for throwing a book at him, but she was just so fed up.

"What did I do for you to ignore me?" Yon said in a quiet voice. When she didn't hear a response, she raised her head and glared at Hoseok. "I ask what did I do for you to ignore me!"

Hoseok was taken back by this. This was the first time he's seen Yon look so mad. But he was snapped back into reality when he saw Yon's beautiful blue eyes gloss over with tears.

"Tell me what I did wrong. I'll fix it, and I'll never do it again. Just please, don't ignore me or avoid me. It makes me feel-" Before she could finish her sentence, Yon cough up blood. Her eyes widened in shock. She felt dizzy, and her head was pounding. Blood started to fall from her nose, and drop to the floor.

Yon felt her body loose all strength. Yon's blue eyes rolled back, and her body fell forward. Luckily, Hoseok caught her before she hit the floor.

"Yon!" Hoseok called out with panic traced in his voice. But it was of no use, Yon had lost consciousness.


The first snow of winter had graced the people of Hage. The towns people wore their puffy jackets and boots as they rushed to work. As many people passed by stores, they also passed a small young girl.

6 year old Yon, sat in front of a bakery with her knees to her chest. She wore dirty shorts and a dirty ripped shirt. Her black hair was a complete mess and had leaves and dirty in it. Her blue eyes looked dead and lifeless, and her button nose was red from the cold.

Yon was hungry, cold and tired. Her parents hadn't returned, and the landlord kicked Yon out of the house. She didn't know if her parents were alive or dead. As the weeks passed by, she was losing hope that her parents were alive and well.

"Look here boys, it's the ugly rat!" A group of teenage boys walked up to Yon. The leader of the group grabbed Yon's hair and pulled on it to make Yon look at him.

Yon's lifeless blue eyes barely met the boy's face before a fist made contact with her right cheek. Her body hit the wall, and slid down to the cold snow covered ground.

"She's just like a doll!" The teenage boys laughed before leaving.

The cold was becoming to much for Yon's small body. She was starving and tired. She wanted to sleep, she wanted to eat, and she wanted warmth so badly.

But no one would lend a hand to help her. At most, some adults would throw their left over food at the ground in front of her. Did these people have no sympathy?

Just then, the bakery door opened and out walked a middle age woman. She glanced down at Yon, who was staring her lifeless eyes at her. The woman's face showed sympathy and pity before she walked back into the store.

The bakery door opened once again, and the woman walked over to Yon. The woman handed her some warm bread, and some water. The woman took off her scarf and wrapped it around Yon.

"Here child, you gotta stay warm in the winter." The woman's said with a sad smile. She watched as Yon hurriedly ate the bread and drink the water. "If you ever hungry or thirst, come here and I'll give you something warm and tasty."

Yon nodded her head. The woman gave her one last smile before she went back inside the bakery.

Yon's small thin hands touched the scarf the woman gave her.

It's warm.

Hi guys, I hate to say this, but I may take a hiatus. My father was diagnosed with heart failure, and it's very severe. And my dog (who was my grandma's dog before she passed) keeps hurting and scratching his face, making gash in his face. I'm going to take my dog to the vet and see what they can do for him. I need to find a job so I can help my mother with bills, just in case my father has to stay in the hospital and can't work. I really don't want to take a hiatus since I literally just came back after a super long one. But if I continue writing chapters, I fear that they won't be as good and the story line will stray far from the one I planned.

With everything going on, it's also affecting my mental health. The stress from my father's condition, and the depression and fear from my dog's condition, is not only affecting my mental health, but also my health in general.

The hiatus shouldn't be too long, maybe until the end of January at best. I hope you guys can understand, and I'm sorry for going on another hiatus.

Until I see you again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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