The next world of dragons...

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The young dragon Justin went into the balloon. Funny it's bigger than in the first game... Justin thought. As they got higher and higher, Spyro decided to see who exactly who this Justin dragon really is.
"Say Justin, where exactly do you come from?". Spyro asked.
"Well, I come from Florida. It's nowhere near here." Justin answered.
"Hmmm...interesting. What is it like?"
"It's very warm and filled with geckos."
"Geckos? Really?"
"Yeah. I live in a huge city in the state called Tampa."
"State?" Sparx said.
"Oh right. A state is a place within a country.". Justin looked down from the balloon. "Wow, we are really high up."
"You're not going to get sick are you?" Spyro asked.
"No, of course not.". Justin said.

The balloon was going up higher and higher in the skies. It was a beautiful sight filled with rainbows and planets from far away.
Spyro and Justin could hardly wait for the land that they were about to go to...
"Well, here we are," Sparx said. "The Peacemakers world."
"The world was a rather deserted place with huge lakes and towering platforms. Not to mention the portals were in hidden spots. Only two were obviously there. One was through a natural hallway, the other was through a slide down the cave.
"This place looks cool.". Justin said. "What do we do first?"
"We have to let the other dragons know that you're here. They must know that you can be trusted." Spyro said.
"I can be trusted. I wouldn't hurt a fly." Justin said.
Justin trotted through the desert world he walked until he nearly fell into other deep water. He noticed the huge and long stalagmite with a big target painted on it. "Haven't I sent this before? Except part of it was gone?". Justin said to himself.
Spyro was meanwhile explaining dragon trust...supposedly to Justin. Spyro quickly realized that the young yellow dragon was gone. He ran towards Justin and called him over.
"Justin, are you alright?". Spyro asked curiously.
"Yeah, I am but shouldn't we be blowing up that stagalamite over there? It looks very tempting. Maybe the lead dragon of this world is there.". Justin said.
Spyro and Justin walked over to the target. "You know what? You may be right.". Spyro said. "Go to the cannon and aim. I'll fire it."
Justin could not believe that he was helping his hero with a cannon. He moved the cannon and aimed to the right.
Spyro same towards the canon and shot it with his fire breath causing half of the stalagmite to disappear.
"Let's go!" Sparx said excitedly. The two dragons and dragonfly went up the platform where they had, of course, met the dragon leader Titan and Gunnar talking.
"We have to have Spyro defeat Gnasty Gnorc and his minions again..." Titan said.
"I know, he is possibly the only hope we have." Gunnar said.
Spyro and Justin walked towards the two dragon elders politely.
"Excuse me." Spyro said.
The dragons turned around to see the purple dragon and yellow dragon looking up at them.
"Ah, Spyro, you are just in time. You must help us again...". Titan said. "Who's he?" The dragon elder said looking at Justin.
"This is Justin, he just came here today." Spyro said. "Could he find a way to get home from this world?"
Titan looked at the yellow dragon. Justin felt a little uncomfortable. Scared even. What if the dragon leader of this world gave him the boot?
"Of course.". Titan said.
Justin looked relieved. He couldn't possibly stay here.
"Provided he helps you with saving the dragon worlds." Gunnar said.
"I don't know if that's a good idea...". Spyro said.
Justin whipped up some courage. "I'll do it."
"Justin, you can barely fight!". Spyro said.
"He could train in Cliff Town." Said the elder with white scales. It was Mercoles. "He could practice flying in Night Flight. There's plenty you can do in this world. Try those two world portals and you'll do fine."
"Alright." Justin said. Off he went to the Cliff Town by jumping on the platform they shot open and waited for Spyro to come.
Spyro just sighed. "Okay. Come on Sparx.". He went after Justin and the two dragons entered Cliff Town.

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