(bonus4) ua - birthday boy

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requested by — Ran603
this was written in like one in the morning for me so uh- y e ah 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯 and this is before they're in dorms cuz my tired ass forgot about that like basically after i finished— iM sorRy-

it was april frickin 20th.


— a wednesdAy?

no dicKhead.

it was a certain someone's birthday. and that certain someone was bakugou katsuki ✨.

boom boom btch swag-

ahem anyways 🤩

guess what happened

so basically, a week before,,,

" ayo ayo, guysS it's katsuki's birthday next week y'all whatdowedo— " y/n whispered, as the male has supposedly gone to the toilet for a piss.

" i have an idea, m- maybe we could all go to his house-? and surpriSe- hiM? like, like after school? " izuku suggested, playing with his fingers in the process.

" holy shit. that's a great idea- i propOSE THE IDEA OF HANGING PEPES EVERYWHERE. " y/n practically yelled- they weren't even surprised if even bakugou could hear them from the bathroom- but of course for plot reasons he didn't 🤺🤺🤺

ahem anyways uhm-

" i could just print 100 gorgeous pepes and just- yEAH WE ARE SO DOING THIS. " y/n exclaimed. she was so set on it don't even bother trying to stop her- HAHSHFJF anywayshdke-

yes so fast forward 🤩

kirishima was basically pulling bakugou by his bag to made sure he didn't get back while they were still preparing. like i kiD YOU NOT. hE WAS BasiCALLY TIeD TO THE SPOT. bakugou had initially wanted to walk home with y/n- like obviously the fckin simp would wanna do that smh 🙄🙄.

but y/n simply just said-

" actually i gotta go first,, i gotta- uhhh walk my moM-? yeAh byEEEE— " before nyooming of to god knows where. yeah bakugou was used to this by now 🙂.

anyways, finally, bakugou managed to reach home, with kirishima basically latched to his bag, on the ground being dragged- yes he's okay, i think.

bakugou opened the door, to the sight of y/n putting up pepe faces all over the house and everyone else just either on their phones or helping.

" what the he- "

"suRPRIsE-? " y/n said, as a pepe fell to the ground behind her.

and then, that's when the party started, with bakugou grumbling at the mess when we all know he's happy as fck inside 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️

finally, it was time to cut the cake ✨✨, nah im kidding, who tf cuts cake when you can stuff it into the birthday boy's face 🥰. yeah- yeah that's what happened :D


basically, the day ended with everyone asleep on the floor and the next day, their drowsy asses turned up to school like 10 minutes late other than todoroki and yaoyorozu cuz they low key just went home at like 6:30 during the party- and the rest of them just got their asses whooped 💫💫 okay bye 🏃💨 the end JSJDJD

im sorry it's so short cuz i lwK do need sleep 🙂 nah who sleeps- JDJFJDJ OKAY BYEEENDJDM

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