(bonus2) future - halloween

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p.s. none of the bonuses are linked together unless i say so.

the previous chapter was the last chapter. sorry it was kinda short.

the length of the bonuses won't be consistent.

btw, i guess u could call this a early Halloween special? it is October after all lmao

also, i don't think there is trick or treat in Japan but- fOr the boNuS sAkE-

hOpE yoU enjoY?

- - -

it was the month of October.

to be exact, it was the 31st of October.


katsuki and y/n were now married.

both of them were sitting on the couch, enjoying the sight in front of them.

"so this is how our kids look like. past me would be pleased asf. they look like pepes-"

"they're wearing masks, without them, they're hideous."

"they got that from you- HEY- OW, IT'S TRUE!"


"what did you say to them to give them the idea of pepes?"

"nothing, they just got the brain genes from me and the... physical genes from... you-"


y/n was giggling so hard she almost rolled of the couch.

"mummy are you okay?" the sweet girl of the pair of twins, rin, immediately ran to y/n's aid, breaking of from the epic sword fight her twin brother and her were having.

i know, pepe masks + swords = epic

the brother of the pair of twins, haru ran to
y/n, seeing rin rush there.

"what did you do to mommy, daddy?" haru shrieked, seeing the tear stains on y/n's cheek.

haru's comment irked katsuki.


the 6 year old boy who was already used to his father's behaviour, only shrugged and stuck out his tongue.


"NO HURTING THE PEPES-" y/n joked, her fingers reaching out and jabbing katsuki in the stomach.

the whole thing ended with the two kids looking up to their mother with sparkles in their eyes and katsuki lying on the couch, clutching his stomach.


"TRICK OR TREAT!" the two kids yelled in sync.

"oh wow, your costumes really remind me of someone i know, she lov- Y/N? KACCHAN?" the brocolli boy screamed. he was only giving out the sweets to the two children only to look up to see his two friends.

the two of them happily chatted with izuku as the kids inspected their candy with gleaming eyes. well, more like y/n happily chatted with izuku and katsuki was just telling at izuku about getting better then him and being the number one hero one day. only to be harshly ignored by the other two adults.

after UA, y/n had lost her phone which resulted in her losing all the contacts in 1-A, 2-A and 3-A. and of course, katsuki being katsuki, had deleted everybody's contact other than y/n's of course.

so, izuku and y/n exchanged their numbers hastily before y/n was pulled away by her children.


later on, after trick and treat, it was getting late. the family of four finally made their way back home.





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