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➹♡~"HEY, isn't that... SHINSOOOOOO."y/n greeted, seeing her long time online best friend. Yes yes, shinso was among the crowd that criwded around 1A but y/n's short figure was hidden behind katsuki's tall one, so they hadn't seen each other.

y/n and shinso had been meeting up together on some of the weekends without katsuki knowing.

"Oi shortie how do you know this 1-C extra?" Katsuki asked, seeing the clear excitement in y/n's eyes.

"Well tis dood here, is one of my favourite people." y/n answered, grinning as she ran towards shinso.

A strike of jealousy pierced through katsuki's heart. Feeling an urge to burst an pull y/n away, he did just that.

"So basical- WHA- HEY NO WAIT WHAT THE ACTUAL F ARE YOU DOING?! LET ME DOWN YOU ANGRY POMERANIAN." y/n was in the middle of a conversation when she was suddenly lifted up into the air and carried away by the spiky-haired blonde.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" y/n screamed as she was finally in contact with the ground again. Shrugging, katsuki left y/n there.

'Why did I do that? Why did I get mad? ARGH WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THESE STUFF?!'

Clearing his thoughts, katsuki spotted Mina nearby.

"Oi, alien girl. I have a question. What does it mean to want to protect someone? Like, when they're happy your happy when she's sad I'm sad. And when she's with someone else i get angry?" Katsuki asked genuinely for once.

Wiggling her eyebrows, Mina asked, "oOoOo~ does bakugou like someone? Does bakugou have a itty witty crush?~ is it y/n? Is it? Is it? Is it?"

"HAHH?! WHY WOULD I EVER LIKE THAT SHORT BRAT?! I'M SURE ALL THOSE FEELINGS MEAN SOMETHING ELSE!" he yelled, not wanting to believe what Mina just said.

"Eh, usually those feelings mean you like the other person andddd im always right, so believe what you wanna believe." Mina said, walking off, leaving katsuki standing in the middle of nowhere, his mind full of y/n.

" Mina said, walking off, leaving katsuki standing in the middle of nowhere, his mind full of y/n

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The first event was an obstacle race 4 kilometers around the stadium. Many students were stuck at the exit of the stadium due to the crowd. Shoto who realised that froze the whole ground, a few people, including y/n manage to avoid or escape it. y/n had used her telekinesis quirk to allow her to float in air, using her telekinesis to control her movements, y/n dodged pass all the robot villians on the way and made her way to the next obstacle in the obstacle race. The Fall, a canyon that can only be navigated by walking along tightropes. Y/n was in the lead since she did not stop to fight the villian robots. Since she could so called fly, she also passed the fall like a breeze. Next was a minefield. Again, y/n passed it like a breeze. Although y/n was hoping she would be able to show off her quirk more, being kinda lazy that day, y/n decided to go with it and continue zooming pass. Shoto and katsuki were behind y/n as she took a glance back. Suddenly, as she was turning her line of sight back to the front, a seemingly brocollu had zoomed pass her on a piece of the villian robots. BROCOLLI BOIIII💕. Y/n was hyped up at the sudden competition and increased her speed, with y/n and izuku going at the same speed, they were almost tied, until y/n heard familiar angry yells and slowed down a little, resulting in izuku ranking first and y/n ranking second.

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