(bonus1) alternate ending

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Note: this was an alternate ending I almost did a sequel for but decided against it and stuck with my og plan. If I did do one it would've had a sequel called- revived;-; anyways readd btw this is if Katsuki didn't go with y/n and if y'all actually want me to try doing a sequel for this alt ending, comment ig.

➹♡~Y/N and Katsuki lay on a hill. Staring up at the sky.

"Oi shortie, promise to never leave me?" Katsuki asked, staring up into the dark sky with his hand intertwined with y/n's.

"Hm... I'll think about it." Y/n replied.
"EH? GIVE ME A DEFINITE ANSWER NOW!" Katsuki demanded, not happy about y/n's sassy remark.

Blowing a rasberry at katsuki, y/n stood up and made a dash for it, katsuki hot on her trail.

Eventually, Katsuki had pounced on y/n, the two of them rolled down the hill together, not harmed. The two ending up in a bed of flowers, y/n giggled at Katsuki's not so happy face, causing him to break into a smile and tackle her again.

"You'll never leave me right?" Katsuki asked once more, tickling y/n to death.

"YES YES STOP IT!" Y/n yelled in a fit of giggles.

Y/n and Aoi were walking together in the mall, window shopping together since they were basically broke.

Suddenly, a rummbling sound echoed through the mall. The ground below them tunbled, making them fall to the next level.

Y/n had no time to react when a ton of debris fell into her, piercing her everywhere and hitting her head. Blood leaked from her forehead as she crawled out from under the debris. Looking around frantically for Aoi, she found her under a pile of debris. She was unconscious. Rushing towards her, many pieces of debris hit her head as she stumbled to Aoi.

Finally reaching Aoi, tears trickled down her cheeks as she realised Aoi wasn't breathing.

As another pile of debris landed on her, drawing more blood. Feeling drowsy, y/n's eyes closed, right after she had clenched onto Aoi's hand.

"Quick! She's losing blood!"

"It's too late!"

"She won't make it!"


"I'm sorry Sir, y/n l/n did not make it, we tried our very best."



Y/n's eyes fluttered open, she found herself in the place she had always went to when she slept, however this time. Aoi was nowhere to be seen. There was a large crimson wall in front of y/n that had two doors. Each door had a sign above it.

The first door had a sign that said, 'Rebirth'

The second door said, 'get revived, BUT no one, will remember you.'

Without hesitation, y/n went through the second door.


Waking up in her dorm in UA, y/n knew no one there would recognize her and would see her as a threat. So, packing her clothes and atuffing the precious teddy bear into her bag, y/n jumped out of the window, avoiding injuries with her telekinesis. After doing that, she used her Telekeniss to get out of UA grounds.

Y/n had gotten a job and bought a small house. Putting on the hoodie from Touya who definitely didn't remember her as well, y/n pulled on the hood and walked around the neighbourhood, walking through alleys. As she passed by a certain spikey haired blonde, y/n grinned.

"I'll make you fall in love with me. All. Over. Again~" Y/n whispered, passing by katsuki.

Disappearing unto the darkness of the night, y/n peered back to see Katsuki standing at the exact spot, staring into the direction y) n had went. A smile lingering on her lips, y/n turned back to the front, skipping to her new home.

Note: btw, I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I've been getting alotta headaches and have been kinda stressed since my upcoming exams are real important. I haven't been feeling any motivation to write and since I published the previous chapter where Aoi died, I decided to publish this chapter while I write the next one.

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