The Silent Sniper

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May 19th, 1984 XX:XX hrs.
Aabe Shifap Ruins, Nothern Kabul, Afghanistan

The female XOF operative squatted the Aabe Shifap Ruins with the purpose of assassinating whoever she was commanded. The orders were given via radio, and her targets were Soviets officers who forbid the development of Metal Gear Sahelantropus. Notwithstanding, this was not the main objective of Тихий (Tixij). As the Soviets baptized her.

Tixij bided her time awaiting Snake's arrival day and night. It did not matter how burning the sun felt neither how algid dusk was, she just tarried there believing her fate was sealed no matter what. If she killed Snake as she planned, XOF's commander would send the Parasite Unit to hunt her down by reason of not spreading the language pathogen. If Big Boss killed her, well, that would be it. But if she went along with the plan of Snake imprisoning her, she wouldn't know what he would do to her. What if he was worse than the faceless demon? Mixed feelings bloomed deep inside the sniper girl owing to that man, again. She felt truly loathness towards the person who set her on fire, but didn't feel the same about the legend of Big Boss. Albeit she did not respect the legend as much as she did previously seeing how easily he was subdued in Cyprus.

She was remarkably good at her job, powerless, but now she was almost unstoppable. She became quite arrogant due to her new parasitic abilities; trusting that the only ones capable of matching her were the Skull Unit.

[Hours later...]

Tixij reported a trespasser: "Someone's coming on the back of a horse!"

Before the voice on the other side could answer, she tossed and trampled her walkie-talkie upon realizing the identity of the individual who arrived.

As she shot, Venom pulled out his tranq sniper rifle so as to even the odds

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As she shot, Venom pulled out his tranq sniper rifle so as to even the odds. The seminude sniper foolishly thought she could take him down effortlessly.

It was an intense sniper duel where a bullet from Tixij would mean death, whereas one dart from Venom would not be enough. Regardless of the huge firepower gap, V managed to overpower his adversary.

[Tixij P.O.V.]

I must say that this Boss was nothing like the miserable man I was tasked to take care back in Cyprus. This is the Living Legend I heard so many stories before, the only one capable of overmatch an enhanced monstrosity like me.

During the fire exchange I felt damn vigorous; if I still had a heart it would have been pounding both in fear and emotion by watching Big Boss imposing in the battle with a tranq rifle and his will alone. Can't deny it–I felt again like that teenager who had a crush on him and wished to get to know the legendary soldier.

When I realized I had been defeated, it was too late; I impacted against the hard floor. Any attempt of absconding would have proved useless as the tranq in my veins took effect.

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