Meeting the teachers

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Beep* beep* beep*

My alarm clock goes off and wakes me up. I move my arm towards it to shut it off and snooze back to sleep, but then I remembered that I had school today my very first year of high school, to be exact.

I hop out of bed got dressed and left my room, to get food. I walk down stairs, and bang on my older brother Jeremy's door.

"Ugg leave me alone bitch." I hear him yawn

"Yeah that's what you call you Favorite sister."I laughed

"Sorry Brit, love ya'" he yells

He was the only one in my family that wouldn't yell at me and hurt me with out apologising. I walked towards the kitchen and my mom (Samaria) told me to grab my sister and take her to her room (My sister is 2). I just grabbed an apple and headed out the door hoping my mom wouldn't follow me and tell me to do the task.

Instead of waiting for my brother I left a note saying that I would walk I head behind the house for the short cut.

*at school*

I walk into first period which was English, with Mr. Barber. The whole class period he would just ask us stupid questions about our life's. then I had theatre arts with Mr. Tomlinson who kept talking to us about what were going to learn and blah .then I had P.E with Mr. Payne. Then art with Mr. Malik who was kinda cute but really strict and seamed like he was high. Then I had math with Mr. Horan who I called whore'n he hated me because of it. Then after him I had Mr. Styles in science and he was a real pervert. After him I don't know what I had I skipped that class to talk to Mr. Horan he had to 'scold' me am boy did he not scold me he was very much yelling.


"That's the bell I have to find my brother." I yell as I run out of the door.

"Britney !!!" I hear Mr. Horan yelled

I run to my brother who's locker was four down from mine.

'Hello, loser." I squeaked

"Hey Brit. You know Scott right?" He asks as he points to a guy with black scenic hair with bright pretty blue eyes.

" I don't tho k I have." I stammered

"Oh... Well this is Scott."he laughs

"We'll nice to meet you Brit Jeremy talks about you all the time." He smiles

I look at Jeremy then back at Scott.

"Well I have to go back to science I think I left my book I there." I giggled

" I didn't know you could read." Jeremy jests

"Yeah yeah." I turn around and ran to my locker grabbed my bag and headed towards my science class.

I open the door and see mr. Styles at his computer. I walk all the way to the back to my seat and find my book hush hush under the Chair.

I put my knees on the chair and and lean over it to get my book.

"Miss Blankenship, what is thy doing." He jokes

I slip from being startled and fell on my face.

"Thanks asshole." I mutter

Mr. Styles jumps over his desk and by my side within seconds.

"How bad are you hurt? I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." He stutters

"It's not your fault i remove my hand from my nose and the blood comes pouring out

"See perfect." I say sarcastically

"Yeah right." He takes my hand and helps me up. He takes me across the room to the first aid he helps me jump on to the counter and sat facing him. He opened the box and grabbed a couple of fabrics and gave me one to put in my nose once I did he leant my head back. I took the fabric from my nose and lifted my head.

"Thanks." I

His face was right there his hand was on my cheek his lips came closer to mine.

Mr. Styles forehead was on mine and our lips were nearly touching


"Hey it's Scott I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" He said

Mr. Styles turned around and walked back to his desk. What just happened? And did I like it?

Tell me what you think. And or read my other books and don't forget to vote love every one who reads my books bye

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