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Riva's pov

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Riva's pov

I was currently sitting in the cafe waiting for veer to arrive. Sara told me all what happened yesterday and to say I was shocked would be an understatement because I had an idea that something like this will definitely happen. Veer's anger has always been worst and that's one of the reasons of our split up. In his anger he forgets every right and wrong.

It's literally been an hour since I'm sitting here and I have drank three coffees till now. He's deliberately doing this. I messaged him yesterday the location and timing and after seeing the blue tick I knew he would come. Afterall he wants to know the reason behind me agreeing to this marriage.

This man loves testing my patience. I almost stood up to leave when I saw him coming wearing a dark blue color tuxedo looking like freaking vogue model with his usual smirking face but there also some anger in his eyes.

"Finally you came. I thought for a second that Mr. Veer Agnihotri has stood up me." I said as he sat down in front of me.

"How I wish I could do that but not everyone's wish get granted. I don't have time for all this nonsense so let's just come to the point." He said while opening top two buttons of her tuxedo.

"I want you to say yes for this marriage." I said confidently but only I know how much scared and tensed I was.

"And why do you think I will do what you say? And don't you remember what happened years back. If so then I'm happy to remind you that, you miss Riva Raichand cheated on your three year boyfriend." He said angrily.

"I do remember everything. Just listen to me first and then you can say what you wanna say." I said as I called the waiter. We both gave our orders. 

"You know that dad's still in recovery mode and doctor's strictly told us that we should keep him happy. Even a small bit of tension and worry his health will get affected. Few days dad asked me something. He asked me to marry you. He doesn't know about what happened between us so he still thinks that we both still somewhere in our heart love each other. He's not wrong at his place I mean we were in a relationship for three years and they think we broke up because you left. He believes that you we will be perfect for each other which is not true. I said yes because I knew that it will make him happy. And when I did I was so happy because I was the reason behind his happiness. I couldn't say no when he asked. My dad he had done a lot for me and now it's my time that I do something for him." I said everything to him. He listened to me very calmly.

"But that still doesn't mean that we can marry each other. We both know that we out toxic for each other. And I can never forget about what happened years back. We can't just simply marry like that. How do you think we will live with each other for the rest of our lives. We hate each other riva. I do love kabir uncle and I want him to get well soon. But marrying you and spending rest of my life with you is not possible." He told me his point of view.

"Veer try to understand the situation. If this marriage doesn't happen then maybe dad's health can get worse. He loves you like his son. Can't you do this much for him. And about spending rest of your life with me then I have a solution for that." I told him.

"What?" He asked me curiously.

"Divorce. We will Divorce each other after one year. After that you can marry whoever you want. We will tell our families that things just didn't work out between us. And in this married you can do whatever you want. I won't stop you from living you life. You can live just like you were before. Only that everything should be discreet. No one should come to know about it. So what do you say?" I explained him. I was waiting for his answer patiently.

"Veer think about dad. Don't you wanna see him happy. He's your mentor, your second father. Do it for him. Nothing will change. You can keep on hating me after the marriage." I said to him who was looking at me scrutinizingly.

"I want everything written on paper. I don't believe. I want a contract stating all what you said with your signature at last." He said after a while minute.

"It will be done. Does that mean a yes?" I asked him.

"Yes. I will marry you. But don't forget that I would love you or be soft on you just because you're my wife. Because I still hate you and I'm doing this just for kabir uncle." He said as I nodded.

"I do know that. It's not like I love you or something. I loathe you and I'm also doing this for dad. The documents will reach you tomorrow morning at your office with my sign." I said to him.

"Hmm. I will leave now. I have to tell my parents also. Get ready for a contract marriage Ms. Riva Raichand." He said smirking. He stood up after that and left.

I know that this isn't going to be easy. But I have to do it for my dad. I know I'm playing with my fire and I might get burned in it.


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Next update-: Tuesday.

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