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The crowd roared as the last song came to a close, Antonio running a hand through his hair as a thin layer of sweat glistened on his body, his shirt clinging to him. With awe, he looked around the packed arena, a blissful smile stuck on his face so broadly it ached.

"Wow," Antonio breathed out as he grabbed the microphone in his hand, laughing at Clayton behind him with happiness. "You guys have made the last show incredible."

He gave the crowd some time to grow quiet, using that time to go to the back and embrace his friend and the rest of his team on stage, showing his appreciation for every single one of them that made the tour possible. Then, once everything had gone quiet again, Antonio felt compelled for a quick trip down memory lane.

"First time I ever saw a crowd like this was at the Marlon Festival," He started, nostalgia growing in his chest for the night that started his career. "I was so nervous I couldn't even put my headpiece on, it kept falling out. Remember?" Antonio laughed as he looked back at Clayton, who now held his own microphone.

"We had to put it on for you." He laughed back, Antonio remembering who exactly had to come and put it on for him, her careful fingers securing it in place with a grin that betrayed her efforts to not laugh.

Antonio looked towards the place Mary-Kate was seated at, the distance making her seem so much smaller. With Charlie by her side, she had promised there was no way in the world Mary-Kate would miss the last show, keeping true to her promise as she sang along and dance with the rhythm. Her heart skipped beats every time she looked at how much fun he had on stage, the fire that carried him along. It was clear this show was his favourite by far.

"Speaking of that, Katie, would you do this arena the honours and come to the stage?"

Above, in the VIP area, Mary-Kate gaped with an open mouth as her shock rendered her body rigid for a second. But with an eager nudge from Charlie, mobility flowed back like a distant memory striking back, and her legs started moving. A security guard aided her as she moved through the crowd, his help rewarded with a million thank you's every time he would help Mary-Kate move the slightest, giving her a polite smile every time. He had not been thanked this many times in his entire life.

When Mary-Kate finally made it to the steps at the side of the stage, she swore her sight went dizzy at the spectacle in front of her, awaiting her with the brightest and most eager smile she had ever witnessed on his angelic features. Antonio extended a hand out for her that she happily wrapped her own around, Antonio leaning it to give her a kiss when she was near.

"You're gonna make me die." She whispered in his ear through their embrace, Antonio giving her those smirks he loved so much.

"I'm nowhere near done yet." He whispered back, turning to the crowd. "This woman right here has been by my side since day one. She put on my earpiece when I was shaking so badly I couldn't do it myself, she stayed awake countless nights with me, and she stayed by my side whenever my fears almost got the best of me."

"Okay, now you're gonna make me cry." Mary-Kate mumbled with a laugh, heat rushing to her cheeks as she looked at the ground.

Antonio took a step out of her embrace, turning his body towards her. Then, he took a knee. "None of this would have been able without your support. Mary-Kate Thompson, will you make me the happiest man and marry me?"

A million jaws hit the floor, including Mary-Kate's as Antonio pulled out the most beautiful ring she had ever witnessed in her life, and the world slipped away as she focused on Antonio below her. She could no longer hear the crowd going crazy beside her, she could not see Clayton's giddy smile and tiny jumps behind her. It was just him, and only him.

There was no way for the tears to stop sliding down at the happiness swelling up inside her like a never-ending balloon, escaping through her eyes in glimmering teardrops. She nodded long before she could utter that one word, over and over again.

The world rushed back in the second Antonio pulled her in his arms, squeezing her to tightly the air left her body. But she didn't care. In this moment, breathing was no longer necessary for her body to survive, only Antonio's against hers. The diamond ring slipped on her finger and fitted perfectly, and now Mary-Kate knew where her lost ring had gone, Antonio using it for the perfect sizing.

Once more, Antonio said his goodbye to the crowd and they slipped away and backstage where their friends and team waited, Alex Marlon's saving his congratulations for last before letting Mary-Kate and Antonio head towards their apartment in New York. They kissed each other with laughs for the whole ride of the elevator that opened right into their apartment, Mary-Kate's back turned towards the open space.

But she ceased all movements as she turned around once more. The entire apartment was filled with white daisies – her favourite flower. Every inch of floor, completely gone underneath the white flowers except one small path.

"What is this?" Mary-Kate laughed out, her hand covering her mouth.

Antonio walked in front of her, stepping back as he kept his eyes on hers. "I couldn't decide which one I wanted to do, so I'm doing both." He took a knee once more, a childish grin on his face. "I'm gonna need that for a second." He said quietly, pointing towards the ring that was sitting on Mary-Kate's finger.

She laughed with tears building once again in her eyes as she took it off and handed it back to Antonio so he can ask that beautiful question one more time, and it was determined in Mary-Kate's mind; no sentences could ever top this one. This? This was her favourite moment.

Mary-Kate knelt right in front of him, taking his face in her hands. "You can ask me a million times, and I'll say yes every single time."

*me right now*

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*me right now*

WE FINISHED A SECOND BOOK YOU GUYS!!! I'm so so happy for all your support and love! You all make me so emotional and seeing your comments and reactions is the best feeling in the world 💖 I can't believe a second book is now over, I owe so much t...

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WE FINISHED A SECOND BOOK YOU GUYS!!! I'm so so happy for all your support and love! You all make me so emotional and seeing your comments and reactions is the best feeling in the world 💖 I can't believe a second book is now over, I owe so much to all of you 💖

With that being said, if you go to my profile, you will see a nice surprise I have been so excited for👀


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