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Mary-Kate and Charlie walked side by side inside Broadshare's halls after being finally done for the day, the main doors finally coming into view to liberate them and allow for them to sink into Mary-Kate's couch

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Mary-Kate and Charlie walked side by side inside Broadshare's halls after being finally done for the day, the main doors finally coming into view to liberate them and allow for them to sink into Mary-Kate's couch. The size of the building from an outside view truly did it justice, for the inside was just as huge, and yet Mary-Kate still found herself bumping into strangers every few minutes, Charlie chuckling every time she did.

Together they exited into the crisp weather of a September evening, the sun providing light and yet failing at the same time to provide any significant warmth, forcing jackets to be an all time necessity if Mary-Kate wanted to avoid catching a nasty cold. At the end of their journey, Mary-Kate's apartment was set as the destination, a study session of Human Anatomy of what they had learned all through the week being deemed as crucial if they desired to stay on track. Mary-Kate, despite the fact that her memory was built like a camera, still enjoyed studying. Sitting down, making notes, peering through subjects that made the tips of her fingers tingle from the amount of time she was holding her pen, and having to give herself a break. And even if she didn't enjoy it, Charlie wasn't as lucky; she still needed the hours put into it so the information got printed on her brain, staying there until the finals, before threatening to get lost forever if she didn't look at them every now and then. What kind of friend would she be if she left Charlie to struggle on her own?

"God, I hate the cold." Charlie groaned and hugged herself tighter, holding onto her sides like her life depended on it. But Mary-Kate just shrugged in response, feeling herself much more than Charlie could in such temperatures.

"It's not that bad."

Charlie gave Mary-Kate a side-eye glare that made Mary-Kate laugh in amusement, continuing on their way through the busy street of people leaving whatever had them so busy, so they could head home to let loose after a stressful day. Or the workaholics that moved their work from the office to the couches of their houses, refusing to put down the workload for a minute, their devices an extension of their arms. And then there were the young faces, her peers, that already seemed tired with the life they were given, slumped shoulders carrying their worries. And yet there were the ones that lived like tomorrow wouldn't come, their dresses, edgy clothes, sunglasses and slicked hairstyles screaming of luxurious rebellion that they adored to be a part of.

Mary-Kate couldn't find it in her to be like that. Nor did she really want to. Did she love going out? Sure. Did she adore the parties, the makeup, the dress-ups? Absolutely. But she couldn't let her life be just that. She needed more. She wanted more. And when she would one day be gone, she wanted people to remember her name and all that she did. She didn't want herself to be erased with time, her bones spoiling underneath a tombstone, deep underground, long after the world had moved on and forgotten she ever existed.

When she set foot in her now tidied apartment, Grey expressed his happiness as he bounced from the couch, running to meet the girls at the entrance. Charlie gasped and fell to her knees to give Grey all the adoration she could possibly give him, Grey accepting all the pets with utmost happiness and contempt, forgetting all about Mary-Kate. All the boxes that used to carry her belongings were now squished flat and stacked in the far back of the living room, Mary-Kate never finding an opportunity to throw them away just yet. But it was on her bucket list for next week, and perhaps was the most easy thing out of all that she had written down.

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