Running out

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Kakashi's POV

"Kimui being a reincarnate does make sense, I mean her chakra is way bigger than most of us." Naruto said and I nodded. "I could agree to that, but what Kawaki said is still brothering me." Shikamaru said and I glanced at him. "I mean Kimui is smart, but she has said that she knew Kawaki before, I'm just saying she might know more than she says." Shikamaru said and Sai agreed with him. 

"We could maybe ask her to get something out of Kawaki." Sai said and I shook my head. "That'll never work, she would say no for sure, and even if we try she would figure it out." I said and turned to Naruto and Sasuke who hasn't said anything. "I don't think that would be necessary, both of them has their enemies, and they want to defeat them." Naruto responded and Sasuke was still thinking. "I don't think spying on kids is going to get us anywhere either." Sasuke said and I sighed relaxed. I walked back into Kimui's room only to find her not there. "Why am I not surprised." I heard Sakura say behind me and I facepalm. 

Kimui's POV

I got bored sitting around in the room and decided to go outside. It has been already a day since I woke up and I was still stuck in this bed. "Too bad he didn't put up any ANBU to check on me." I said to myself changing out of the hospital clothes. I opened the window and jumped down landing on the ground perfectly. "I see that you're escaping too." Kawaki said standing in front of me. "This a normal thing for me, but what are you doing out?" I asked Kawaki and he looked away. 

"You know we were friends, we can be that again." I said and he looked at me. "I heard Lord seventh and someone talking, he said that I might attack the village." Kawaki said briefly and I smile. "Well that must have been Mr. Shikamaru, he's just too tactical and doesn't trust people easily, I mean if I didn't find my dad as fast as I did, he would have been breathing down my neck too." I said and he didn't respond. "Do you want to get some breakfast, I know a good place with Taiyaki?" I ask and he glanced at me. "Thanks, but I'm going home." he said and we parted ways. So much for trying to remake friendships. I thought and I stumbled on something almost falling. 

I heard a howl and I looked behind me to see Bisuke, and I started running in the opposite direction. "Where do you think you're going." Bisuke said a little farther behind me. I activated my kekkei genkai and felt a sharp pain in my eyes, but I kept running. I outran Bisuke and made it pretty far before stopping to catch my breath. "I haven't regained all my chakra yet." I said panting. "If you haven't had that much chakra than you shouldn't have ran out of the hospital like that." I heard a voice from above and I jumped back dodging wood blocks that came at me. 

He did set up ANBU after me, he's got to be kidding me. I thought dodging more of his attacks. I bit my finger and summoned Hana and Hikaru. "What is going on Kimui?" Hikaru asked. "Well, I ran out of the hospital and Dad's after me." I said dodging the attacks. "For once I agree with him, you need to rest you are not back to your full health Kimui." Hana said and Hikaru agreed with her. "Come on guys please, we do this a lot." I said and created a silver barrier. "That's true, but those times you were practically fine." Hikaru said and I moved to the right away from a block of wood. Hikaru bit my shoe and I fell onto the ground. Before I could Wood wrapped around me trapping my hands. 

"You can't break out of those." The brown haired man said and I smirked. I concentrated my chakra and the wood cracked before it turned into splinters. Before the man could make anymore hand signs I shun shined out of the training grounds. I landed in front of the Yamanaka flower shop. I sighed and walked into the store to come face to face with Inojin who was holding a flower vase. "Oh, hey Kimui." He said smiling and I nervously smiled back. "Wait weren't you suppose to be in the hospital?" Inojin asked. "Well, I got bored and just decided to go out for a walk." I said hoping he would buy it. 

"You ran out of the hospital huh." Inojin said and I sighed. "Yeah kinda, but in my defense I'm fully healed." I said and he just stared. "Look I just came in here to hide from Bisuke." I said and he turned back to what he was doing. "Kimui can I ask you something?" Inojin asked. "Sure." I said looking out the window. "You know, this stuff Boruto and the others are saying about us, you don't really feel that way right." He said and I bit my lips to not say something wrong. "Of course not, I mean it was just an accident right?" I said more like asked. "Uh yeah, it was an accident." Inojin said and I fake smiled. "I have to go." I said and left the store. I walked towards home already sensing Pakkun in the direction. 

"About time we found you." Pakkun said and I stopped not having the feeling to run anymore. "Kimui what were you thinking, you are not back to full health." Dad scolded and I sighed covering my face with a pillow. "I won't run out of the hospital again, alright." I said from behind the pillow. "Did something happen?" Dad asked his voice softening. "It's not important." I said and the pillow was yanked off my face. "What happened." dad said and I didn't answer. "Kimui, you do know that I will find out." He warned. 

"Fine, just don't kill anyone." I said and he nodded siting down on a chair. "Inojin asked me if I feel anything towards him that's other than friends, and I said no, but somehow it feels like what I said was wrong." I explained. "Well you at least said no, and you can't start a relationship this young Kimui." Dad said and I rose an eyebrow at him. "I knew you wouldn't understand." I muttered turning away from him. "I do understand Kimui, and that's why I don't want you to get hurt by some boy." Dad said from behind me and I didn't respond. I was about to say something when Hana and Hikaru poofed into the hospital room both looking tired. "Now, leaving us behind is not a very nice thing." Hana said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Why is she upset?" Hikaru barked at dad and he sighed. "It's some boy." He mumbled. "You guys can go now, I don't need your help right now." I said and Hana nodded before disappearing with Hikaru. "Kimui listen-" Dad started. "I want to sleep." I said cutting him off. "Alright, sleep well." Dad  said getting up and kissed my forehead before leaving the room. I should really talk to Sakura sensei about relationships and not dad. I thought before closing my eyes. 

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