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Alright so I'm technically losing it at this point, should I save Kagura or not cause this is becoming a tough decision on my side. 

Kimui's POV

"Kimui, hey wake up." I was shaken awake by someone and I yawned rubbing my eyes before snuggling closer into my pillow. Wait, I didn't fall asleep on a pillow, and my pillow is moving. I thought slowly processing the situation. I sat up wide awake before I turned my head to the left to see Kagura smiling at me nervously. "Good morning." He whispered and I smiled my face heating up a bit. "Good morning." I mumbled before he stood up stretching a little. "I'm going to go wake Captain, we should get back on course." Kagura said walking out of the room at a quick pace. 

"Did I.... what is wrong with you Kimui." I said to myself cupping my face in embarrassment. I stood up heading out of the room to wake up Sarada and the others to stay alert in case of another attack. "Kimui, are you heading to bunks, please alert everyone something terrible has happened." Kagura yelled out to me and I nodded running to the  bunks quickly. 

I called up Sarada and the others and we headed to the captains cabin. "I'll go get Boruto." Sarada said running out of the room to the second bunk. "There's not even a pulse." I said my chakra wavering. "It seems like an instant death." Kagura said and I nodded in agreement as Boruto came running into the room. I stepped back letting him mourn out his feeling while I thought of any possible person that might want to kill the captain. 

"The weapon seems to have been a heavy blunt object." Mitsuki said raising the white blanket off captain Taiki's corpse. "Come to think of it where is the big guy." Iwabe asked looking around the room. "Kyoho, now that you mention it he's still not here." Hebiichigo said turning our attention to that immediately. "He must be still below deck." Metal said and before iwabe ran out of the room. We ran after him knowing how he rubs into situations out of anger only to find him jumping back holding us a piece of white clothing covered in blood.  

 "Hey, did you kill the captain." Iwable yelled at him throwing the clothing to the ground. "N-no." Kyoho stuttered moving back and Iwabe pulled out his weapon in frustration. "Hold on, we don't still know if he did it or not." Kagura neared them trying to avoid any fighting. "Then explain the blood." Kawaki interfered making Iwabe land an attack on Kyoho. "There's something wrong with his chakra signature." I mumbled and Sarada glanced at me her eyes widening. 

"What do you mean." She whispered. "It's like he has two of them for some reason." I said trying to detect the foreign chakra again but I failed to do so. The fight got settled in a while and we headed up to the wheel room to keep an eye on the ships progress. 

"We'll split up and investigate the ship for any signs of the perpetrator let's just hope we find someone." Kagura announced after our discussion on the situation. We split into groups and the other left quickly leaving me with the two swordsmen of the mist. They left with two other shinobi making me the last one left. 

Since there was no one left I headed to the bunker side we were in before, to see if I can find anymore chakra signatures that I saw at that time. "How is this possible." I muttered seeing that the signature was stronger in the area and it spread out as if the person was travelling. It would have been so easier if we had a hyuga on our team. I thought realizing my Yureigan can only see much. 

I walked faster seeing a shadow cross the hallway I was heading towards. "Who's there?" I said crossing the hallway my hand reaching for a kunai only to find it completely empty. I was startled hearing a loud banging noise coming from the way where the civilians were staying. I quickly headed to that direction bumping into Sarada and Mitsuki on the way there. "He was really with the Futano, I can't believe it." One of the civilians said and I deactivated my eyes knowing that it was handled now. 

We all met up once more concluding that Kyoho was the killer and Kagura asked us to get some more rest as the fog was starting to get thicker than before. "Kyoho is not the killer." I said turning all the attention to me. "What do you mean Kimui?" Kagura asked me surprised. 

"There is someone on board with a high chakra range, I almost caught him but the shadow disappeared by the time I made it there, I think whoever it is, is controlling Kyoho." I explained to them and Kagura nodded taking in the information. "So you think it might be, that could actually make sense." Butan said coming in terms with the situation. "Kimui do you mean the same chakra you noticed before?" Sarada asked and I nodded in confirmation. "Actually Kawaki even came to a conclusion like that, it could be a huge possibility then." Iwabe said agreeing to it as well. 

We planned out a strategy before we headed back to our quarters to throw off the perpetrator. "Let's head to our locations." I said and the others nodded as we made our way where Kyoho was lying down pretending to be unconscious. My eyes widened seeing a civilian come into the room before water sprouted out of his mouth, making me cringe in disgust, before he fell unconscious. 

The water became a human being revealing a member of the Futano making me smirk as our plan came into action. "We knew you'd come out sooner or later." Sarada said as Kyoho flunked the enemy onto the ground before standing up. "Walked right into our trap." I said and the man looked up to see us in shock. 

"Now give up." Boruto said jumping off the platform we were on with Mitsuki. The man started laughing maniacally before making a hand sign and transforming into water. "Head to the other room." I said to Kawaki running out of the room and heading into the engine room. I made it into the room with Boruto following behind and I saw that Hebiichigo had the man tied up using her sword. 

To our surprise he began moving and swiftly jumped into the reel of the engine. My eyes widened and I quickly made hand signs for a jutsu to protect us from an explosion. The dust cleared and the four of us were inside the barrier I managed to make but I noticed that hebiichigo was not in it. I release the barrier letting the silver pieces disperse into the air. We saw that Kyoho made it in time to save his friend.

The engine was completely blown up making things difficult for the rest of us as we were now stranded in the middle of the ocean. 

"I can't do it this is way beyond my feild of expertise." Denki said stepping away from the engine making our faces fall. "We have no choice but to equip a team to head out in a lifeboat to the nearest island, and look for help." Kagura said running out of ideas. "A boat? From here?" Sarada asked and I even pursed my lips thinking of the nearest location to where we were. "It won't be easy, but I think we can make it to the nearest island." Kagura said defending his choice. 

"It doesn't look like we have any other way to be exact, if we can't fix the engine here." I agreed heading back up to the deck. "Kimui, hold on a second." Kagura called out to me and I waited for him to catch up while the other two headed up to the deck.

"After this mission, do you maybe want to come back to the mist, when chojuro sama found out that you weren't a spy he was devastated knowing your childhood and all, so I was thinking that you might just-" Kagura stopped mid sentence seeing my expression change. "Kagura I- I can't, Konoha is my home,  I can't just leave I have a family now, I can't leave Dad behind we're each others family." I answered his unasked question. "I can come visit though." I said seeing how his face fell at my reply. "Sounds good to me." He said lightening up in an instant making me giggle. 

"You are such an idiot." I said smiling at him. We headed up to the deck together and found two people boarded on the ship.  

A Silver Of Hope In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now