New Chunin Exams

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Kimui's POV

It's five days and I finally convinced dad to take me to Sakura sensei to get the bandages off my eyes. I would have cut them off myself but my overprotective father wouldn't allow it. "It seems that your eyes are healed, just in time if you tell me." Sakura sensei said as I opened my eyes taking in the light around me. "Yeah, I guess so." I said. "Anyways, I have to go meet my team." I said getting off the bench. "Be careful, alright." Sakura sensei called out as I got out of the room. I quickly walked out of the hospital heading to the training grounds.

"Hey Kimui." Mitsuki said as I came to the training ground. I saw team seven, and team ten minus Shikadai and both teams senseis. "Well as you guys may have heard, we are holding the chunin exams again this year." Megumi sensei said. "Oh really, we can finally become chunin guys." Boruto shouted out in joy. "The written exams are tomorrow, and to make things fair we have some up with a solution." Konohamaru sensei said and we looked at him confused.

"Well one of you from team seven will go to team ten, just for the exams." Konohamaru sensei explained. "So who wants to." Megumi sensei said turning to us. A pregnant silence fell over us and the other three turned towards me and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I'll go to team ten." I said and Konohamaru sensei nodded smiling. "So report to the classroom tomorrow on time, alright." Megumi sensei said and the both shun shined out of the training grounds.

"We knew you would go to team ten, since Inojin is there." Boruto said to me and both me and Sarada punched on top of his head at the same time. "It hurts." He yelled out in pain and we smirked. "You really have to get smarter Boruto." I said as he whined. "Just so you know, I always get perfect score on written exams, I did even in the academy." Boruto said standing up. "Didn't you cheat." Sarada said and he sighed in defeat.

"See you tomorrow Kimui." Cho cho yelled as we parted. I walked back home and ended up bumping into someone. "Watch where you're going will you." He said getting up and dusting himself. "Kawaki, how are you feeling." I asked trying to seem nice after his comment. "I'm fine, aren't you the one who got injured more." Kawaki said turning to me. "Oh yeah, I'm fine, I heal pretty fast." I said casually. "Wait a second, you want to become a ninja too right, so you should come and see the chunin exams, it's fun." I said and left before he could respond.

~Time skip to the chunin exams~

"We will begin the exams now, each of you will have to get more than 70 percent to pass, which means every team should get a total of 210 percent. You should be able to communicate without proctors noticing." Mr. Sai explained while we were going through the exam.

I saw a small bird on my paper and it turned into a number. I smiled at Inojin as I started to solve the questions quickly according to plan.


"So we need a plan for this." Cho cho said and I nodded along. "How about we solve most of the answers we know, then we just need a way of passing it around." I said coming up with a quick plan. "I can use beast scroll for that." Inojin responded. "Yeah but how will you get the answers." Cho Cho asked and I internally smirked. "I've got an idea for that." I said and I told them the plan.

Flashback end

"You're disqualified." I heard Mr. Sai say from the other side of the room and I quickly mask my chakra activating Yureigan. I slipped my finished paper to Inojin and took his paper and quickly deactivated my kekkei genkai.

The written exam was done, and we exited the classroom meeting up with the other teams. "I sure hope we pass." Namida said hopefully as we walked towards the results which were to be displayed on the board. "Looks like we passed." Cho cho said munching on to a bag of potato chips. "Shouldn't you guys be more enthusiastic about it." Sarada said turning towards us. "I like the peace, but isn't she right." I agreed with her as a team approached us.

"Not Chunin yet speaking so big." A boy with blue hair said coming up to us with his team. "I'm Kaito Kawanam, team 9, you can call us senpai." He said shaking Boruto's hand. "Kaito Kawanam, seems like him and his team goes on most missions overseas." Denki said looking into his profile. "Are you seeing us as a threat." A voice said behind us surprising all of us. I held back the urge to punch whoever it was, because we may get disqualified. "Who are you?" Boruto yelled out standing next to me, and I shot a glare at him.

"Daiki Hatake, and I only have one reason for this exams." He said turning to me. "To beat the so called Hatake prophecy child, right princess." He said to me and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. The others looked at me but decided to not say anything as we walked out of the academy. "What's wrong, think you'll lose." He said walking up to me as I was parting the others. I gave him a sickly sweet closed eye smile, and I heard him scoff. "In your dreams." I said punching him hard enough to flung him back to the compound.

I heard the boys behind me shiver back in fear, and I walked away smirking to myself. "I'm home." I said entering my home to get hit in the face by a delicious smell. "How was the exams." Dad asked from the kitchen as I walked into it. "Dad, why do you ask when you already know, I failed." I said and putting my head down on the counter looking sad. "Wait you failed, but how?" Dad said surprised. "I don't know, who failed anyways." I said sounding innocent before I rushed towards my bedroom. I tripped over something rolling onto the floor in the process. "Bull, you ruined my perfect plan." I said to him and he just looked at me before turning around.

"Well, when do you have the second round of the exams." Dad asked setting the pot down of the dining table. "Tomorrow, and when will you stop wearing a pink apron." I said and pakkun laughed. "Someday." Dad said walking back into the kitchen. 

Hey guy, New chapter here with new arc all for you guys. Hope you like it :)

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