Chapter III

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Swimming at turbo speed, the Mermaids and Zac scoured the Mako reef in serach for Eric, but found nothing.

"He's not here" said Zac. "i don't think it's Eric, Cam saw earlier"

"If it's not Eric, then who?" Asked Mimmi.

"Ondina, did Eric mention anything about a brother?" They all turned to Evie then to Ondina waiting for an answer.

"No. No, he didn't" Ondina said.

A look of defeat washed on their faces. "Ok. Me and Evie will investigate the river where Cam said he saw him" Zac said, then turned to Ondina and Mimmi.

"You guys go tell Cam that it's not Eric and tell Principal Santos about this new merman"

"I'll go to the grotto and try to find something that will help us" said Weilan.

They all nodded "ok" then dove into the water and swam away.

* * *

Liam and Mason was taking a walk down the beach while talking about their past adventure but their conversation was cut of when they heard grunting and murmuring behind the rocks so they went to check it out but remained hidden and what they saw shocked them.

"aghhh... why does our tails weigh a ton!" said Ondina complaining

"I don't know" answered Mimmi

"Hey its a full moon tonight you wanna watch the moon in the Moon Pool tonight?" asked Mimmi "Nahh... Besides we have to know more about this new merman, we don't even know if he knows how to control himself on a full moon, without practice he might be dangerous" answered Ondina

"yeah, your right, this new merman is our top priority today" said Mimmi

Before they were completely out of the water Mason managed to take a picture of them

When they were completely out of the water they started to heat themselves up causing steam to release from their tails as soon as their tails were gone and is now replaced with legs the quickly made their way or of the beach.

When they were completely gone Mason and Liam looked at each other with a blank expression then they quickly stood up then Mason started talking breaking the silence "we have to tell the pack"

"And tell them what 'Hey guys guess what mermaids are real' ? " said liam trying to be sarcastic but failed.

" yes exactly " answered Mason

Then Liam made a face of approval they quickly made their way back to the house

* * *

When they returned to the house liam yelled a pack meeting the everyone made their way down to the living room

When everyone was accounted for in the living room

"so what do want to say?" asked Scott

"Ok I know this is gonna sound insane or crazy but Mermaids are real" liam said then everyone was quiet waiting for another bit of info on these Mermaids

"That's it?" asked liam "Your not even surprised or shocked of what I said" both liam and Mason look at each other confused

"Liam, we're werewolves, Malia's a werecoyote, Lydia's a Banshee, both Theo and Corey are Chimeras do you really expect us to be surprised at this point?" said Scott.

"well Yeah" liam admitted

Theo laughed a little but quietly

Liam eyed theo telling him to shut up but Theo ignore him

"Do you have any proof of this mermaid friends of yours?" asked Stiles

"actually we do" said Mason liam looked at him surprised Mason showed them the pic he took earlier and they all looked at it surprised of how their tails looked so beautiful with those oranges scales

"so what they just grew legs and walked away?" asked Theo sarcasticly

"Yes" answered liam

"What?... How?" asked Malia

"they pointed their hands above their tails and suddenly steams appeared out of them after a minute of steaming they were dry and bubbles surrounded their body and after the bubbles disappeared legs replaced their tails" answered Mason

"well what should we do?" asked Lydia to scott

"nothing" answered Scott "What.. Why?" asked liam and Stiles in unison

"they aren't doing anything wrong are they?" asked Scott.

"Well.. no" answered Liam.

"Well since they aren't doing anything wrong we should just leave them alone in peace, don't you think?" Scott asked liam.

"He's right" Lydia stated.

"If they are just normal citizens with no evil intentions we should just leave them live their life in peace" with that everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well we were thinking we should camp tonight in Mako Island for the full moon, they said its beautiful there in a full moon because you can see it directly above you said the locals" Scott said breaking the silence.

"That's a great idea" Lydia said with that everyone started packing their camping gears for tonight's camping trip to Mako.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"Wait Scott how are we getting there we don't have a boat?" Stiles stated "Don't worry Derek and I rented a boat, it's over there" Scott answered pointing to a boat just the right size for them all

Everyone got in the boat "So everybody ready?" Scott asked everyone nodded then they were of

~~~Time Skip~~~

"So this place looks great will set up camp here" Scott said "sure" said lydia

"OK we'll start the fire while you guys set up camp" instructed derek

"We'll try to catch some fish" said liam and theo nodded in agreement

"I don't think you'll catch some cause the locals said there's not a single fish here" said Stiles "ehh..wouldnt hurt to try right" said theo and Stiles nodded at them

~~Time Skip~~

After a while Theo and Liam didn't catch some fish so they dicided to take a swim

"Hey Theo?" said liam "yeah" said theo in confusion "Ahh do you remember what you said to me when you were shot by Monroe 3 weeks ago?" "Ahh... Yes" said theo while looking down in embarissment "so do you mean them?" asked Liam " Yes Every single word" liam smiled the raised Theo's chin with his index finger then cupped his cheeks and with that he leaned forward to kiss him in the lips theo was shocked but kissed back.

3 weeks ago

When Theo got shot by MonroE
" THEO!" said Liam in concern theo coughs "Let's get you to Mellisa quick. Cam you stand up?" theo nodded.

When they were alone in the Scott's Bedroom Theo finnaly opened his eyes theo looked around the room to find liam sitting by the bedside in a chair near the desk lost in thought when Liam realized that theo was awake he then stopped all his thought to go check on him

"Theo you're awake" siad liam " aghh my head and chest hurts" theo groaned in pain " Hey don't push yourself your still healing" "Liam I need to tell you something" "What?" "I..I like you" theo admitted the fall asleep after Liam stared in surprise.

~~present time~~

They remained kissing until they pulled back for air Theo smiled and so did liam they stared at each other's eyes " let's head back the others might get suspicious" said theo breaking the silence "Yeah...we should" answered liam and with that they returned to the campsite.

After everyone finished their activities everyone went to sleep under the full moon

With every couple's holding hands even theo and liam.

McCall Pack's visit to Mako Island (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now