Chapter X

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As Stiles and Zac surfaced, they were met with Ondina, Mimmi, and Evie in the water. The girls were surprised to see them as their eyes widened when they surfaced.

"Zac!" Ondina screamed as he surfaced then gave him a serious face.

"Sorry, Ondina. Hey sis, I found Stiles" Zac said.

"Yeah, I can see that. Good. Ritta's in the grotto and the Pack's outside with Cam and Evie wanting to know everything about them" Mimmi told them and hugged Zac.

"And Cleo, Rikki, Emma, and Bella are out. Running errands maybe" Weilan said.

"Yeah that" Mimmi released Zac from the hug and back up to the pool's ledge.

"Come on" Ondina said as she moved out of the pool and dried herself.

Zac, Mimmi, and Weilan followed her and dried themselves and stood beside Ondina. Ondina looked at them then at Stiles and her eyes widened.

"Stiles?" she called.

Stiles looked at her raising his eyebrows. "Yeah"

"Ritta!! You may want to see this" She called.

Mimmi and the others had confused faces as to why Ondina was reacting like that and asked "Why? What's wrong, Ondina?"

"His tail" Ondina pointed to Stiles' tail and their eyes widened. Weilan, Mimmi, and Ondina had shocked faces while Zac only had a confused face.

Ritta appeared on the room and as she saw Stiles' tail her eyes and mouth widened. "How? How is this possible?" She said.

"What's going on?" Zac asked. "Ritta?"

"Stiles is an Original" Mimmi answered his brother. "A what?" Zac asked totally lost.

* * *

"An Original is one of the descendants of the very first Merman and Mermaid. Thus the term 'Original'." Ritta explained.

"Why haven't we seen one?" Ondina asked.

"Because The Originals was killed back then by a jealous merman, but one remained. A daughter."

"Well what happened to her?" Mimmi asked her.

"Some said she went to Ancient America and lived there" Ritta answered.

"Have you met any?" Zac asked.

"I've only met one Original other than Stiles"

"But I only turned into a merman two days ago" Stiles said.

"My guess is that someone put a spell on you similar to the one put on Zac, and once you fell into the Moon Pool, the spell broke." Stiles' mouth widened and tried to process the information, rubbing the back of his head he looked at the ground.l

"Hang on" Stiles' head shot up "You said 'The Original is the descendants of the very first Merman and Mermaid' But my dad is not a merman."

"Maybe it's your mom" said Zac "Sometimes a mermaid can have a merman child"

"Have you ever seen your mother wet?" Ondina asked "Maybe we can call her" Mimmi suggested.

Stiles frowned at that and said "We can't"

"Why not?" Weilan asked him.

"Cause she died when I was 8" He said sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry" Weilan put a hand on his shoulder and comforted him.

"What's her name, Stiles" Ritta asked.

"Claudia" He answered.

"Do you have a picture of her by any chance?" Stiles nodded and took out his wallet and took a picture of him, his dad, and Claudia and gave it to Ritta.

Ritta looked at the picture and smiled. She examined the picture and a tear dropped from her eyes as she looked at it.

"She survived" Ritta said as she cried looking at the picture.

"What?" Stiles asked.

"She was once named 'Astoria' and she was my best friend, until she fall in love with a land boy and left" Ritta gave him back the picture and wiped her tears.

"But how is that possible? I remember her getting wet and I didn't see any tail" Stiles asked.

"Originals have the ability to turn at will, but if they don't transform back into their natural form, they could get sick."

Stiles stood and said "I need some air. This . . . is just . . . to weird" then he ran the stairs of the grotto and left the house.

He walked aimlessly the shores of the beach trying to process the information that he was an Original all his life and he didn't even know it.

And what's worse is that it was the reason that his mom died. He continued to walk aimlessly looking up at the blue sky and at the sea.

He felt the pull of the water but he resisted and continued to walk. Once again he felt the pull but instead of walking, he stared at the sea.

"You feel it don't you?" someone said.

He turned around and saw a boy with black hair and with a british accent.

"The pull of the sea. You feel it don't you?" the boy said.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Stiles asked the boy.

"Someone who can help you figure out who you are and how to control your powers" Stiles' eyes widened at this.

"You're a merman, aren't you?" He said.

"I'm something much, much more than that." The boy said. "I'm like you"

"Like me?"

The boy nodded. "An Original. And I can help you master your abilities. And tell you who you really are"

Stiles looked down at the sand beneath his shoes and think. "Don't you want that?" the boy asked.

"Don't you want to know how to control your power?" Stiles looked up at the boy and said.

"What I want?" He started. "What I want is to be normal. What I want is to get rid of this tail and enjoy my fucking vacation. And I'm not gonna get that from some 15 year old kid!" Stiles ranted.

The boy bit his lip and shook his head. "You'd rather give up your power to rule the entire Sea and live out your days as a measly Land Boy?" he said in disappointment.

"Fine" the boy sighed. "But doing that requires magic beyond me. Tell you what? Get me the Moon Stone and I'll grant you your wish"

"The Moon Stone?" Stiles sighed.

"I know you have it" Alex said.

"The big, blue, glowing stone?" The boy nodded.

"Give it to me at the Ocean Cafe and I'll give you what you want" he said as he jumped into the water and surfaced looking at Stiles.

"And one more thing, you have to give it to me before the Blue Moon. Or else, this will be the least of your problem"

Then the boy dived down and swam away. Leaving Stiles thinking if he should trust this kid or should he tell the Pack and the Pod. But one thing's for sure he needs to get rid of this tail.

McCall Pack's visit to Mako Island (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now