Chapter XII

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Light's turned off the only source of ligh is from the shining moon, quiet filled the room with the crickets the only source of sound, Stiles walked the halls of the house heading to the grotto.

After some time alone and thinking, he decided to take the kid's offer and went in search of the moon stone. Pulling the book with the mermaid on it's spine the shelves seperated and showed the secret entrance.

Walking down the steps he tried to e quiet and not wake anyone up. As he stepped inside the grotto he heard a grunt.

"Who's there?" He asked looking around.

looking down he saw a gold candle holder and took it, ready to hit someone. Taking a step closer he saw Weilan asleep and sighed relieved as he put down the candle holder.

Walking down the steps he looked around the room carefully and trying not to make a noice that would wake up Weilan. Opening a huge chest he saw a bunch of clothes and jewelry.

Removing the old clothes he saw a picture of three young girls. Taking the picture frame he stared at the image, his eyes landed on the one in the middle who he recognized as his mother.

'Should I go through with this?' A thought came his head as he felt a tear slide down his cheek, kissing the picture, he put down the frame and returned everything in the chest.

Sniffling he moved to the other side of the room to look. Ruffling his hair in frustration he stood after 20 minutes of looking and not finding it. He looked to the side to see Weilan still fast asleep.

"Where is it?" He whispered in frustration.

Then a thought struck him. Remembering the first time he summoned the stone (accidentaly) during Scott's outburst he took a breath.

Calming himself, he closed his eyes and focused on the stone and the emotion he felt a few days ago. He felt worried, scared, and the need to protect. Feeling the adrenaline rush through him, he focused on those feelings.

Taking slow and deep breaths he felt this weird sensation ran through his hands and eyes. Feeling a connection deep within him he grabbed hold of it and pulled.

Opening his eyes he caught the moon stone in his hands. Letting out shaky breaths his hand and eyes stopped glowing blue and the Moon Stone glowed bright.

~~\\// * * * \\//~~

"Ritta we need to destroy that stone!" Veridia said.

Veridia and Ritta was in the Mermain Council Chamber. No one else was in the chamber aside from the two as they discussed what to do with the Stone, Stiles, and the potential danger he may bring.

"You and I both know how dangerous that stone is" She said.

"And with Stiles, it's a thousand times more dangerous. He's an Original."

Ritta looks down with a frown on her face and Veridia notices this now with the same expression as she remember their old friend.

"Ritta, we have to prevent what happened back then to happen now. We promised her." She said with a sad face.

Looking at her, Ritta looks up at the night sky. Sighing she faced Veridia "I know" she said.

"But how? We already tried that?"

"Zac" Veridia answered.

Rita's brows furrowed in confusion as she backed away from the pool's ledge. "what are you saying?"

Veridia sighed as if she knows Ritta wouldn't agree with her plan. "Zac destroyed the stone last time"

"Ok..." Ritta said

"So we get him to do it again" Ritta's face fell in disappointment and said "Veridia. You're not seriously suggesting we use Zac, are you?"

"It's the only plan we've got" she said "Ritta, we made a promise to her that we will destroy that stone so she wouldn't be released once again"

"Yes! But not at the expence of another! Zac was dying when that happened. And we don't really know how that happened. It could kill him!"

"And it may not! You said it yourself, we don't know what happened. So it may not be harmful to him since he's a merman"

Ritta's disappointed face turned to an angry one as she heard what Veridia just said. "No. We will not use Zac and that's final" Ritta said then dove into the water and swam out of the island.


Sorry it's so short but I promise to work on it. See you soon luvs💚💙

McCall Pack's visit to Mako Island (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now