Chapter IX

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Opening his eyes, Stiles saw the rocky surface that led up to the opening of the Mako Volcano but as he tried to stand up he couldn't.

Looking down, he saw his tail. Looking around he saw no one. His tail had light blue scales on the bottom and dark blue color on the top and the fins was pointy and measure in eight inches.

He layed on the pool's ledge with his tail hanging off the end. He felt that he was shirtless but he wasn't cold, which made him confused.

Getting off the pool ledge, he fell under the water. He started to panic but he remembered what Cleo said to him.

So he tried to calm down and hold in his breath, then he tried moving his tail and using his arms, he pushed himself to the surface.

He strted panting for air once he surfaced. He almost fell under the water again but he kicked with his tail and steady himself.

After a couple minutes of practicing, he was able to stay afloat. "Now, how to go back to the grotto?" he said, then he saw an opening under the water.

"Well, only one way to find out" He said then he dove down and swam out of the underwater entrance.

* * *

"Where is he?" Lydia asked Ritta.

"He's probably at the Moon Pool. Let him rest." Ritta told them.

It was now morning and Ritta was kind enough to let the Pack stay the night at her place after the whole debacle. Rita, Veridean, and the mermaids had explained everything to the Werewolf Pack and Scott apologized for his action.

"I apologize for Scott's actions last night. You see when an Alpha looses one of it's packmates, they go on a rampage" Derek said.

"It's alright, Mr. Hale" Ritta said with a sweet smile.

"How did Stiles become a merman?" Scott asked.

Ritta turned to him and said "The girls said that he fell into the Moon Pool the other day. You see, when a land person touches the water from the Moon Pool when it's a full moon, they turn into a mermaid or a merman."

"But what about what Stiles did last night when that stone came to him and light came out of his hand and into the stone and to your rings? Or when his hands glew when he put his hands on Scott's head?" Malia asked her.

Ritta turned to her and sighed "I don't know. But I have a theory."

Liam looked up at her and asked "What is it?"

"I believe Stiles is from a line of powerful mermans that may lead to the time when Mermans and Mermaids lived in peace" Ritta told them.

"How is that?" Zac asked.

"Zac, can you please find Stiles and get him?" Ritta turned to Zac and orrdered him.

Zac only nodded and ran to the beach and dove into the water. "So you guys just transform into mermaids or . . .  How does that work?" Isaac asked as Zac swam to find Stiles.

"No. Whenever we touch water, we transform. That's why we need to be very careful" Mimmi answered.

"Well, what happens when you get wet and transform in public?" Lydia asked.

"We ran to a hiding spot then hide or we just camouflage" Weilan said.

Rikki laughed and said "Yeah. You need to teach me how to do that" She said to Weilan and Weilan nodded and said "Sure"

"It's pretty easy. It's just like this" She said the she closed her hands and she disappeared.

"Where'd she go?" Malia asked.

"She's right there. She's sitting there" Corey said.

Mimmi, Ondina, Evie, and the girls looked confused. "Wait you could see her?" Ondina asked.

"Ohh yeah. I'm a Ghost Rider Chimera. I can turn and also see invisible things. look" Corey said as he touched one of the walls and he turned invisible.

"Woah" The girls said.

Rikki groaned and said "Ohh Come on! He can turn invisible and I can't? That's not fair" She complained.

Cleo, Bella, and Emma laughed at her, then Corey reappeared and said "Well, I can't transform into a merman so I think you still have the advantage"

"You're right" Rikki said then suddenly felt good about herself.

Everyone laughed at that and get to know each other.

* * *

Zac swam around the Mako reef looing for Stiles, until he saw a blue tail swimming behind a rock so he followed.

He followed the tail and swam to it's front cutting his path. But when he looked at the merman it wasn't Stiles it was someone else. Then he remembered the other merman and thought "He must be the other merman Cam saw"

Zac and the merman stared at each other for a moment then zac motioned for them to surface and the other merman nodded.

"Who are you?" Zac asked

"Who's asking?" the merman asked in a british accent.

"Zac, Zac Blakely. Who are you?"

"Alex" he said "My name's Alex"

"Hang on, how old are you? You look at least 15" He said.

Alex just rolled his eyes and said "That's cause I am 15"

"What are you doing here?" Zac asked.

"Swimming around. Why? Is this territory taken?" Alex sneered at him.

Zac sighed at the kid's sarcasm and said "No. Mako Island are for every mer-people."

"Good" Alex nodded "Now I would like to swim in peace, please. Now go bugger off"

Alex said then he dove down and swam away. "Hold on! Wait!" Zac tried to follow him but Alex was to fast.

Surfacing he shook his head in disappointment, looking up he saw someone surface and saw a Brown headed boy.

He recognized the person as Stiles so he approached him. "Stiles!" Zac called.

Stiles turned around and saw Zac and gave him a smile and said "Hey, Zac. What's up?"

"Ritta's calling for you. She's at the house along with your pack" Zac said.

"Ohh ok. I'm just practicing swimming with this thing. I'm getting the hang of it now though." Stiles said.

Zac smiled at him and said "Good. It takes some getting some use to but you'll get the hang of it eventually"

"I hope so"

"Let's go? Just follow me, ok?" Stiles nodded then they dove down and swam to the Grotto with Stiles following behind Zac.

As Stiles and Zac was swam into the underwater entrance to the grotto they didn't notice a certain merman following them.

Smiling to himself, Alex swam inside and camouflaged himself.

McCall Pack's visit to Mako Island (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now