Chapter 6

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"Rise and shine daughter of mine!"
I groan and pull the covers over my face.
"It's 4 a.m" I grumble.
"Yes and it's Saturday. You have school on Monday. So I want you to work on the ranch as much as you can before you have to go back to school."
Ugh. Really?
I pull the covers off to look at my grinning father wearing his black cowboy hat. Double ugh. How is he this energetic at 4a.m.?!
"But during the summer you didn't make me get up until 8 in the morning..." I complain.
"That's different baby. You didn't have school then."
"Exactly! You should let me sleep. I need my sleep in order to perform better at school."
He shakes his head. "You can sleep in tomorrow before church at 11."
"Ugh, fine! I'll be out in a minute!"

By the time we get to the ranch, the moon is still out and it's still dark. On the way, we had to use flash lights. I am really afraid of the dark. So, that was not fun, but it woke me up, that's for sure. I didn't say anything to Lucas at all on the way. What could I say? Why had he been there last night? Did he follow me? Honestly though, I didn't want to say anything in front of my dad. I knew my dad would go into his office as soon as we got to the barn. I figure that would be the best time to confront Lucas.

"Hey, so did you like follow me last night? I ask, as soon as my dad's office door closes.
Lucas leans against Arabella's stall. Arabella is sleeping, peacefully, like I wish I was.
"As a matter of fact, I did. I walked over there. It's not far, you know, and it is my parents house. So, I did not need directions." He explains.
"Did you know that he lied to me?" I didn't understand Joseph. I guess some girls would think what he did was sweet. I mean, he invited me to his home because he wanted to hang out with me, but something about the whole situation didn't feel right to me. I had a gut feeling. My gut feeling was right when he started getting forceful with me...
"No, I didn't. I just didn't trust him with you. "
"You could have warned me."
"You wouldn't have believed anything I said. Joseph tends to swoon all the girls."
"I'm not just any girl. I'm me. "
Lucas gives me a half-smile. "That you are. I'm sorry. I should have said something. "
"You should have." I agree.
"But I didn't think he would do anything out of line on ya'lls first time hanging out. I was wrong."
"Joseph tends to lie about things a lot." Lucas explains.
"Yeah. I can tell." I say, sarcastically.
"Do you like him?" He asks.
Woah. I can't believe he just asked me that. I mean, I thought he was cute before he went all Mike Tyson on me but now he gives me the creeps.
"That's a definate NO."
"Why is that good?"
Lucas looks into the stall at Arabella. She is finally waking up.
"It just is."
"It just is why? Am I not allowed to like anybody?"
"It just is because it's good that you won't get hurt by him."
" Oh. Yeah. Well, that is always a good thing."
Arabella comes up to me and sticks out her head for me to pet her, like always.
"That horse loves you, Peyton."
"It's mutual."
"Do you want to ride her?"
My eyes go wide. "But you said that she doesn't like anybody riding her?"
"Well, she doesn't like anybody, but she likes you."
"Um, I don't know about that, Lucas."
"Come on. Try it. I'll make sure you don't get hurt."
My knight and shining armor again...
"I guess I can try." I say, not feeling very confident.
"Okay, but you will have to put the saddle on her and everything. She tries to kick me every time that I have tried."
He goes and gets the stuff and comes back.
I open the stall, slowly. Arabella stays calm.
"Hey, girly, girl." I talk to her as I begin putting the saddle on her. Lucas tells me how to put it on the whole time. Before I know it, I have it on.
I walk her outside of the barn.
"Now try to get on her." Lucas says grinning.
"I'm scared."
"I don't think you need to be scared. You have already gotten farther with her than anybody ever has."
I hop up on to the saddle. Arabella is completely still.
"What do I do now?"
"You ride." Lucas grins even bigger and motions to me what to do to get her to go.
Arabella begins trotting. I am so amazed. I have never rode a horse before let alone rode one that nobody else can ride.
"This is so amazing!" Lucas beams.
I grin. Yes, it is quite amazing.

Later on that night at dinner. Lucas tells my dad and Gabriella all about me and Arabella.
"Honey, that is something special." My dad says, while eating his pork chop.
"Thanks dad. I didn't really do anything special to make her do it though."
My dad looks at me as if he just had a light bulb moment. "Peyton, how would you feel about riding her in a rodeo?"
"Come again? I don't think I heard you correctly."
" I said how would you feel about riding her in a rodeo?"
" I would say that the first time I rode her was today and I have never been to a rodeo in my life."
"Well, we can change that this weekend." My dad gives me a huge grin. My eyes go wide.

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