Chapter 9

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"So what's your favorite color?" I ask Lucas.
It's 7:30 and we are still in the barn sitting on the ground by Arabella's stall talking.
"Blue. What's yours?"
"Of course you would pick the most girly color on the planet."
"You caught me, Lucas, I'm a girl!"
"I never would have guessed." He smirks at me.
"Jerk!" I swat him playfully, again, for the second time tonight.
He sticks his tongue out at me.
"I think I should head on home. I need to get some rest for school tomorrow."
Lucas nods. "I'll walk with you. It's dark."
Thank goodness! I was hoping he would offer. If he didn't offer I was going to beg him. Walking in the woods alone at night was not something that I have on my to do list.
" Okay." I smile at him, giddily.
We begin to make our way to the woods. It's been so nice just talking with him tonight. We talked about our favorite movies, music, books, and so much more. I smile to myself. He really is handsome....OMG! Shut up brain!!! My brain has officially gone nuts. Even if I did find him the slightest bit attractive he would never like me that way and my dad probably wouldn't like it that much either...
Since when do I care what my dad thinks?
"Well, this is my stop." I say as we arrive at the back door of the house.
"Oh no, I totally thought you lived in the woods with all the other animals."
"I'm just messin' with you."
I shake my head at him.
"Good night, Peyton. Sweet dreams." He says, huskily. He stays outside until I go in the house and then he begins walking back to the woods to go back to his cabin..











Lucas is just my friend and that is all. As I'm on my to my room, my dad calls my name. He's in the living room watching some old western movie. He has a fire going in the fire place.


"So did you like the rodeo?"

"Yes, I really liked it."

He grins from ear to ear. "Would you like to ride Arabella in one of the rodeo's?

"Dad, I only rode her that one time....."

"Well, keep on riding her, baby."

"I don't know dad..."

"Baby, I truly believe that you are a natural."

All of this talk about me being a natural was making me feel good. Maybe I should try it?

"Fine. I'll do it." I agree. "But I'm going to need some time to get used to it and get the hang of it. There is no telling if Arabella will even cooperate with me."

My dad laughs. "Oh, she will."

"What makes you so sure?"

"That horse loves you, honey."

Hearing that makes me very happy.

"I love her too." I say, honestly.

"I can tell. That's a special thing. A love between a horse and a person."

"Dad you are getting all mushy on me."

"I love you, sweetie."

I take a deep breath. "I love you too.."

"Goodnight baby. Go upstairs and get you some rest for school tomorrow."

The rest of the school week goes by like a blur. I didn't talk to Joseph and he didn't talk to me. During class, I could feel him keep on glancing back at me. Part of me felt bad for not even giving him a chance....I did think that he was cute the first time that I saw him. I loved his piercing blue eyes, but looks were not everything. Like the old saying goes: Don't judge a book by it's cover. I have a feeling that Joseph has a lot of secrets in his book.....and I for one do not like secrets.
This weekend I will be practicing riding Arabella. I think that dad wants me to be like one of those barrel racing girls....All of those girls are so pretty. Their hair is so shiny and their make up is perfect. They are amazing riders. How can I , Peyton Grimes, compete with them? My hair gets frizzy very easily, I don't like wearing make-up, and Arabella is the only horse I have ever rode...EVER. I bet those girls have rode many horses and they probably have been doing it since they were little! Ugh! The frustration!!!
I get up super early to go to the ranch. Dad told me that Lucas would meet me at the barn. He wants Lucas to help me practice. Lucas knows a lot about horses and he knows a lot about rodeos. Both are things that I barely know anything about.
"Top of the morning to ya, city girl."
I groan in response.
"Rough night?"
"I tossed and turned all night. I was nervous about today."
"Stop being a worry wart, Grimes."
"Did you seriously just call me by my last name? The name is Peyton, dude."
"Did you seriously just call me, dude, DUDE?"
"You sound weird when you say dude." I put my hand over my mouth to control my laughter.
"Wake up and smell the cow doo doo, honey, because we have a long day ahead of us."
"Kill me." I pout.
"No, thanks. I think I'll keep you around. If you weren't here who would pick up the poo for me?"
"Gee, thanks." I rub my eyes. I'm so sleepy.
"First, we are going to start off with the basics. "
Lucas continues to go on and on about blah blah blah and blah.
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Oh yeah. Totally." I grin.
"Never mind. Let's just go to Arabella."
"Yay! Finally something fun."
The rest of the day consists of me riding Arabella over and over again. I must say it is quite fun. It might be even something I could see myself doing for the rest of my life.....

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