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I awoke the next morning to a blinding sun shine, a head ache that killed and loud banging at the door. I frowned as I pushed myself off of my stomach and twisted in to a sitting position, brushing my hair back with my hand and wiping away the dried slobber that was on my chin. I held my hand to my head as I meandered down the stairs and to the door.

"Mm?" I grumbled as I opened the door, closing my eyes from the new burning pain.

"You look like shit." I heard a female voice state before the door was closed for me. I opened my eyes and looked to see Megan standing in front of me, her arms crossed and a stupid smirk on her lips.

I had to remind myself that I was angry at her, I couldn't just kiss her.

"I've seen you worse." I protested. I didn't want to see her. I spun around and headed for the kitchen, opening the cupboard and pulling out some pain killers. I chucked them down before turning back around to face Megan.

"What do you want?" I said grumpily, crossing my arms.

I shouldn't be so hard on the girl. She didn't know that she was ripping my heart apart, or how much I just wanted to kiss her without it ending up as sex. My expression softened, acting like a stuck up bitch isn't going to get me anywhere.

"Making sure you're ok. You seemed weird after I told you about Jake."

And with the mention of his name, back came the attitude.

"I'm fine. Would be better if I didn't have you pestering me this early in the morning." I scoffed, walking straight past her to go sit on the couch. She sat on the other end of the coach, turning her body towards me.

"Are you hung over?"

"What's it to you?"

"I just want to know, calm down."

"What are you here? Haven't you got a boyfriend to be with?" Megan frowned at this in compete seriousness.

"You're being an ass." She said before standing up. "I was just making sure you're ok."

"Can you just leave? Please?" I asked. I didn't mean it in a rude way at all, I knew what I was saying was completely stupid. I was being over dramatic. It'd be better if she left before it got worse.

She said nothing as she stood up and left, and a little part of me wanted to stand up and run outside, bring her in to my arms and kiss her.

'I was being stupid! I want you and only you!' 'I love you!' Is what would happen in a perfect world?

But this isn't a perfect world, that's not going to happen.


As the day progressed, I could feel my hang over slowly but surely fading away, going from a constant hammering to a subtle tap.

It was almost eight at night by now and I'd completely wasted the full eleven hours between Megan coming over and now. They'd been filled with TV, drumming and regret. Mainly the last one.

How stupid could I get? She came over, not because I asked, but because she cared, because she wanted too. And all I did was act like a complete dick.

I was beyond mad at the same time though. How could she do that to me? I've been there for her longer than Jake ever has and ever will be. I've been here the whole time and she still just glances over me like the second the from those stupid 'bet you didn't see the second the' Instagram posts.

I felt so many things at once; it was like a whirl pool of emotion spiralling inside of me. The feeling made me want to throw up.

Why couldn't I just man up?

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and took big gulps from the bottle, already three quarters finished after one go.

Manning up would be so much easier for everyone. Just 'hey, I like you more than what we've got going on. Date or not?' Boom. Done. Ok, maybe not quite like that, but still. If I get rejected, I can just move on. If she says she likes me too, who knows?

I tilted my head back with the bottle top against my lips, swallowing the last bit of liquid before opening another. A warm, fuzzy feeling had started to engulf me, and I wasn't complaining.

Stupid Jake. He got this beautifully amazing girl and blew it. Yet he gets a second chance? Where's the logic? Oh wait, there is none.


An hour later and my blood was probably more alcohol than blood and I was stumbling all over the place. My phone was plugged in to some speakers and songs my drunken brain couldn't recognise blasted through my house. I spun around, giggling loudly and almost tripping over my own feet.

I stopped immediately, throwing my hands in the air as an idea came to mind.

"I need to apologise!" I yelled to the empty household. "Now!"

I completely ignored my lack of shoes as I ran to the car and put my seat belt on, sitting for a second before giggling like a child. I unbuckled myself and walked back inside through the still open door, grabbing some keys and closing the door behind me.

I repeated my other actions, scrambling in to the car and buckling up before putting the keys in to the ignition.

"Here we go!" I yelled to myself before speeding down the drive way and out on to the street, towards Megan's house.

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