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The doctors put Natasha in a special room or how they called it, the "Cool Room" . Steve analyzed it. All walls, just the door was made of glass. Not to much light. The only glowing things there were the devices that were attached to Natasha. The only thing he understood from the screens were the temperature and the heart. They put more devices than before, since the doctors didn't know what made her temperature rise so fast on a short period. When the seizure started her tempreture was 45°C.They were glad and shocked that Natasha was still breathing. They put her immediately in The Cool Room, which wasn't even tested. The doctors thought the low temperature of the room will make her fever go down.
"Do you know what could have caused the temperature rise? Any sickness?" the doctor asked the group.
"I don't know if it counts, but when we were at Hydra , Natasha suddenly started to feel cold. Like really cold. The winter soldier and me tried to cover for her...... and gave Nat a lot of blankets and clothes. She looked like a giant multicolored snowman. When Wanda became suspicious, we took her only in the warmest missions. She wore a winter jacket in the middle of the dessert. But it passed after weeks. "Alexei said.
The doctor was silent. The team too.
" We will make some research to see if it's a virus which Agent Romanoff took from missions or a side effect of Hydra's procedures."he said and left.
" And what happened between you two? "Fury looked at Alexei and Steve.
" Action, Reaction and Gravity. "Alexei answered.
All of them looked weird at him.
" See why i punched him? "
" What? This is what happend. My action to say something, made Steve's reaction to punch me. And the gravity put me on the floor. "
" Are you sure you escaped from Hydra and they didn't kicked you out ? "Maria asked.

Hours later, Natasha woke up. Her fever was still high, but the doctors let the team inside.
" How do you feel, Nat? "Maria asked
" Fine. There isn't that hot in here."
" You say that because your body temperature is 40°C.For me is the Alaska mission. "Alexei said.
" Now you know how i felt in Sahara. "
" We gave you a winter jacket! "
" I still was cold. And that took hours!"
"Sorry we didn't find a winter jacket in the middle of the dessert fast."
"Apologizes accepted!" she said with a smile.
"Natasha, did you know about the fever before?" Fury asked.
"No, it appeared suddenly like the chills when i was at Hydra .But they disappeared like they came,so it's nothing to worry about. "
"The doctors are worried." Bruce said.
"It's bad for their health."
"We are serious Nat."Steve said.
" Could you let me speak with her in private? "Alexei said.
" No. "Steve responded immediately.
Both redheads looked weird.
" Can you let us alone? "Natasha asked.
Clint had enough secrets.
" What is between you two? "
Now Natasha and Alexei looked confused. Alexei looked at the IV between them.
" The IV? "he answered.
" No,i mean-are you two something to each other? Something special? "
Natasha wanted to speak, but Alexei stopped her.
" Can you  let us alone? "Alexei voice was serious and his face matched it. Seeing this, the team decided to let them alone.
" I still want an answer! "Clint said closing the door.
" Alexei, what is this about?I wanted to tell them— "Natasha asked.
" Na, na, na. "he made the<no> gesture with his finger " Natasha, think! They think that we are girlfriend and boyfriend. This is the perfect occasion to show Steve what he lost! "
" It's not his fault! The heart doesn't choose who to love. I can't do that to him. "
" Stop being a saint. He knew you loved him when you kissed him and Steve didn't told you that Sharon will come. He just smiled at you and said to look at the movie. He hurt you. And since you saw that imagine, you felt ill. You are in a hospital. Remember he punched me. Maybe he was jealous already.Perfect occasion.....And don't lie to me. I know you use humor to hide your pain. This is what we both do. What do you say? "
Natasha thought for a moment.
" Davaj sdelaem jeto! (Let's do it! ) "
" My byli luchshimi v sekretnyh missijah, missis Romanoff. ( We are the best at undercover missions,Mrs Romanoff.) "he smiled.
" Da, da, my mister Romanoff. (Yes, yes we are, Mr Romanoff!)"she returned his smile .

Outside the room, thw the team was boiling of anger.
" What are they talking? "Steve asked Clint.
" I can't her through the walls. "he responded.
" Why is she smiling? "Tony asked.
" Could you please stop acting like kids in a hospital. "Fury said.
" Respect their privacy! "Maria pushed the boys from the wall.
Alexei made them sign to enter.
" So what's between you two?Nat?"Clint looked at  his best friend.
" Clint, it was hard to keep secrets from you.... From al of you, but i didn't know how to tell you that—"
" You and Alexei are dating!"Tony interrupted.
" That's not it! "Steve said.
" Guess we weren't so good at hiding after all Tasha. "Alexei said.
  Steve was sad, but he knew that was coming. This is why he wanted to make her jealous with Sharon.
" Guess we were not. But we aren't in the daiting stage for a long time..We are married! "Natasha smiled and hold her husband hand.
All of them were shocked, especially Steve. He didn't move and didn't realized he was holding his breath until Tony broke the silence.
" You missed just one year! Relationships doesn't move that fast. Maybe you made a mistake, Red?"
"Well, during missions we faced death and i saw i could trust Alexei with my life."
"And when i almost lost Natasha i decided to ask the question."
"And that was a really bad timing."
"It was really romantic"
"The enemy was shoting at us! We were surrounded by them!Bullets were flying everywhere! We were hiding behind a laboratory table!"
"And it was the most romantic thing. Didn't you loved my ring?"
Natasha laughed "Ok. It was romantic. And the ring was the best part. It was a grenade pin. I can't forget the face of the soldier who saw you kneeling with a grenade and then  trowing it at him."
"Sadly, he didn't saw the rest."
"Wait, you had a wedding and all?Nat, you don't have a ring on your finger. " Tony said. Steve knew he asked all of this questions to show him that he still had a chance.
"Well, Hydra isn't the best place for romances. We keep it a secret. One night Natasha, the Winter Soldier and me went out, deep in  the forest. We light up some candles. The Winter Soldier was our priest, and guest, and everything. We were all wearing our prison pajamas. After our ceremony was over we rushed back, so Wanda and her brother Pietro won't notice. It was muddy outside and we had to throw away our boots. "
" You loved that boots"
"Yes, i did honey. But i love you more."
Steve had enough of this.
"I'm going to see if Sharon get home safely."
And all of them made an excuse and left.
" Plan rabotaet, sestrenka! (The plan is working, sis! ) "

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