Chapter One

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a/n, 4/27/13. Hey! If you're just now starting to read this, let me tell you a little something. I have read this book over today and its crazy how much better my writing style has gotten since these first few chapters, so please, keep reading even if your on the borderline of wanting to. I love you and thanks for taking an intrest. <3

I swear I haven't been on time to my first hour since school started three months ago, let alone even show up. I hated Mrs. Caldwell so much it's hard to go in there and listen to her lecture me for twenty minutes about never "being on time to further my studies." I have an A in her class, yet she still nags like I'm the worst student she has, which I most definitely am not.

I roll over and take a quick look at my alarm clock, which doesn't do its job very well may I add... Well shit. I have 20 minutes before the bell rings, I haven't even showered yet. I hop out of my toasty queen sized bed, and head for the bathroom. Of course, it had to be occupied.

"HURRY UP, IM ALREADY LATE AS IT IS!" I yelled while banging on the door.

"Hold on Becca!" I can't even explain how much my little brat of a brother got on my nerves. Sharing a bathroom with him was one of the cruelest and most unusual punishments I could have received moving homes over the summer. I had to change schools and everything, definitely didn't improve my desire to go to school.

What is taking him so long in there? I finally give up and barge into the bathroom to find Danny playing with his toy dinosaurs in the toilet water, again.

"Are you kidding me Danny?! I told you I was running late, yet you continued to PLAY in the TOILET while I needed to use the bathroom?!" I shouted maybe a bit too harshly, but it was Friday, and I was too damn tired to deal with this little 6 year old pain in the ass.

Danny looked up at my with a sincere look of apology in his eyes, I just looked down at his big brown doe eyes, and couldn't resist giving him and big kiss on the forehead and telling him it was okay and to run along and play somewhere else.

"Okay Beccy, I love you sissy!" he yelled while running down the hall to his bedroom. Gosh, I didn't know whether to love him, or hate him sometimes, he is just too adorable to be mad at for too long.

I finally have the bathroom to myself, now having only ten minutes till the bell. Oh well, it's not like Mrs. Caldwell expects me to be on time or anything. I bent down to reach for the hot water handle, then the cold, mixing the both to get the perfect temperature. I then turned up the stereo and began to remove my clothes, taking a glance at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but notice how much smaller I've became over the past couple of weeks, but hey, I'm not complaining.

I jump into the shower singing to my favorite song. "Cause allllll I need is a Beauty and a Beat, who can make my life complete! Its alllll bout you, when the music makes you move! Baby do it like you do!" I can't get enough of that song, it's just perfect. I need to hurry up. I stop focusing on the song and start focusing on taking a very quick shower! By time I was done, the bell had already rung. I haven't even left the house yet, this is just great. Why does school have to start at 7:45?

I rushed through putting my make up on my face, not really caring, a little bit of cover up for the under eye circles, no time for contacts today, I grabbed my glasses and threw them on. I never realized how much different I looked with them on; they really made my light blue eyes really stand out, the almost looked grey even... I hurriedly grabbed a rubber band and pulled my thick dark brown hair back, not giving a flying rat's ass what it looked like, it doesn't even matter? Who am I trying to impress? Nobody, that's who...

I rush down stairs to see Danny laying on the couch, lucky him that his school didn't start till 9... I rolled my eyes and headed for the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart out of the pantry, I ripped the wrapper off and tossed it in the bin. I quickly turned around running straight into... him.

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