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“Can you explain something to me?” The question breezed out of my mouth as me and Harry laid out watching the sun go down in our new found favorite place.

“Anything love?” I smiled as his breath hit my ear. He had his arms wrapped around me as I laid in-between his legs while his chest supported my back.

“How can someone’s life go from such a low point, to being amazing again?” I already knew the answer to my own question, but I wanted to just hear him talk right now.

“Well, I guess when you learn to love, and to laugh again you realize that you should never focus on how negative things are but focus on those tiny things that make you smile. You have to forget and move on from all the bad so everything can be good again… you just have to let go.” I breathed in his words as a smile played along my cheeks. He was right… I should have never focused on the bad but more on the tiniest of happiness that could have been there. I should have hoped for the better instead of expected the worse.

“Mum, pa! Look at this butterfly!” I turned my head to find my precious little girl lying on her stomach with her chin resting on her hands. She had taken an interest into this blue winged butterfly that sat only inches before her on a twig that must of fell from the tree above her.

Her dark brown hair flowed well past her shoulders and sat at the middle of her back. Her eyes were green like her dads, but sometimes they seemed blue like mine. She was the cutest I’ve ever seen but doesn’t everyone say that about their child?

“Are you gonna come look or what ya cuties!” She giggled at her words as Harry got up to go inspect the insect that she wanted us to see so badly. He crouched down beside her slowly as to not scare the little bug away.

“Papa, do you see him?” Her eyes were full of wonder and curiosity. She was amazed at such a little thing… and it amazed me that such a little thing made her that happy.

“I do see him baby. He’s beautiful, just like you.” He leaned down and plopped a kiss right on the tip of her nose.

“Ew, keep those lips to yourself!” He laughed as he stood up and walked back over to me.

I looked up at him with wonder in my eyes, “How did I ever get so lucky?”

“Weird, I was just about to ask the same thing.” He smiled and then reached down and brought me up to my feet. He brought his lips to mine softly to show how much he did love me.

“Hey! I said keep those to yourself!” I looked down to see Hope tugging on Harrys pant leg. She giggled as he reached down and threw her over his shoulder while tickling her sides.

“Pa, no! Mum make him stop!” She tried to speak in between laughs but her words were barely auditable.

“Harry, let me have her.” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes as I took her away from him and held her close in my arms.

She just turned five a couple weeks ago and boy was she growing. She was perfect though… perfect in every way, shape, and form. Her pale skin matched Harry’s perfectly but she had the spunk and attitude that I carried around with me so long ago. She was a perfect mix of the both of us actually.

I felt her place her head on my shoulder, “Mummy, I’m sleepy.” I looked up to Harry as he shook his head okay… it was about to be nap time anyway.

Harry took his place by my side as he intertwined his fingers with mine. We are truly one little happy family now and I hope that never changes.

“It’s such a beautiful day out.” Harry whispered close to my ear because we could already hear Hope’s light snores.

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